Sal Monella

Man among boys
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Michael Bennett delivered a loud message in the locker room after Thursday’s loss. The Cowboys had a chippy practice Sunday that included trash-talking.

On Monday, Dak Prescott said it’s time to walk the talk.

“When it’s times like this, it’s more lead by example,” the said. “Talk is cheap, right? We’ve talked a lot. We’ve talked a bunch and got ourselves right to where we are. In a moment like this I say to hell with the talking, and I’m going to do more.

“I’m going to work harder, and if you’re a young guy looking for somebody to figure it out, how to do it, yeah, look at me and some of these other guys because that’s exactly what we’re doing, putting our head down focusing and doubling down on ourselves.”

The Cowboys are well aware that the Dolphins did them a favor with an upset of the Eagles on Sunday, keeping them in sole possession of first place. They also know unless they play better than they have, it won’t matter.

The Cowboys are 0-5 against teams with winning records.

The Bears have the same 6-6 record as the Cowboys.

“It obviously hasn’t gone the way we’ve wanted it to, but we’re still in a position where things are still in front of us,” Prescott said. “It’s about focusing on now, not looking too far ahead or trying to get there right now, but taking care of this day and doing it the best we can. Being in this position, it’s all about coming to work each and every day, focusing on that day and the task at hand and look up here in a month and be where we want to be.

“I can sit here and say as much as I want to you guys, but it’s about going out there executing at practice and doing it on Thursday.”

Prescott has a chance to show his leadership this week and the rest of this season. He’s ready for that assignment.

Prescott said he wants his teammates to follow his lead.

“I hope they are,” Prescott said. “I’m not sure if they are, if that’s their mindset or not, but I hope they are, just because the way I’m going to go about this. I’ve faced adversity a lot in my life on and off the field, and at this moment, I’m just doubling down on myself and my teammates. I’ve got confidence in what I can do and what these guys around me can do and hope they’re looking my way.”


Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott had a blunt message for his team, which has lost three of its last four ( much to the chagrin of owner Jerry Jones).

Speaking about the team’s recent struggles, Prescott called the ‘Boys out for too much talking, and not enough walking.

The telling quote here is Prescott saying, “We’ve talked a bunch and got ourselves right to where we are.”

Right where they are is 6-6 through 12 games — a record that belies the talent on both sides of the ball in Dallas. Recently, Jones pointed “100%” to coaching following the team’s debacle of a game against the New England Patriots.

Garrett, Prescott and the rest of the ‘Boys won’t have to wait long to find out if they can conjure the actions to back up their words. Thursday night, Dallas will be in Chicago against a Bears team just as desperate to find its playoff identity.


Pro Bowler
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Maybe it’s just me, but I just feel you should at minimum have a winning record to even be in the conversation for MVP


Reaction score
Maybe it’s just me, but I just feel you should at minimum have a winning record to even be in the conversation for MVP

If he hadn't played a game and we had to use our backup QB and some street free agents, we'd be 0-12.

So it isn't hard to see him as a MVP candidate.
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