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  1. Al Uminium

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    Standard preface of the troll right before he restarts his trolling: Make a post that on the surface appears somewhat rational and reasonable. Then get right back to trolling as usual. More trash that needs taken out Im afraid.
  2. Al Uminium

    2020 CoronaVirus Outbreak - That began in Wuhan, China and is spreading

    I dont never have never will. I'm an original Libertarian, neither of the main parties or their candidates appeal to me in any way. They're both the same, making federal govt bigger and more intrusive is their aim. Never understood though why the D's hate Trump, he's one of them from birth and...
  3. Al Uminium

    2020 CoronaVirus Outbreak - That began in Wuhan, China and is spreading

    You keep quoting that bible line from Proverbs like it has some meaning at all. Is it your retarded way of trying to claim you're not a partisan leftist hack? You're just a troll. Never answer factual posts, never engage in honest discussion, you just take a shit in threads then run. Your...
  4. Al Uminium

    Party affiliation by race

    If true, (it's based on polling not actual voter registration records) then it's really not at all surprising. Ever since LBJ proclaimed "we'll have the niggers voting democrat for the next 100 years" you have had decades of pandering for the black vote. You have one party selling "free stuff"...
  5. Al Uminium

    2020 CoronaVirus Outbreak - That began in Wuhan, China and is spreading

    It's become a trope for trolls actually. Map is indeed from JH but it's cumulative cases by COUNTY, and Canada and Mexico don't break it down that way. So you get those stray red dots away from metropolitan areas making it look to the uninformed like places such as Toronto, Vancouver and Mexico...
  6. Al Uminium

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    Which doesnt speak in any way to the veracity or accuracy of the story; which as more and more third party fact checkers chime in, it gains both veracity and accuracy massively. Again we see your cheap unintelligent deflection tactics; you cant speak to the facts so you try to assail the...
  7. Al Uminium

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    Which doesnt speak in any way to the veracity or accuracy of the story; which as more and more third party fact checkers chime in, it gains both veracity and accuracy massively. Again we see your cheap unintelligent deflection tactics; you cant speak to the facts so you try to assail the...
  8. Al Uminium

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    It took you long enough to get your spoonfed spin and regurgitate it, after your reaction 24 hrs ago to this post.
  9. Al Uminium

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    I was not. I was correctly identifying YOUR goals. Can you not even read? At no point was I talking about the Times. Perfect example of what you do here. You still have that option. He is not here for honest discussion.
  10. Al Uminium

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    I've been reading here almost daily for nearly a year now, and it looks to me like his main goal here is to use whatever tactic is handy in order to be able to chalk up a "win" in his feeble brain. If that means outright deflection, dishonesty, straw man arguing, and even just leaving the...
  11. Al Uminium

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    It's "libel." Libel SUIT. Good grief you are one stupid twit. Interesting this is how you rate performance of a newspaper; by whether they win lawsuits for libel and slander or not. Shit, the National Inquirer has a legal war room too, does very well. As do most all newspapers. As stated...
  12. Al Uminium

    Like Fun, Only Different...

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