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I think Trump would be a good economic president, but he would suck on social issues. I guess it depends on what you care about more. But I wouldn't vote for him, cause he's long been a Hillary supporter. I think he's more liberal than he lets on.

Which is why he'll run as an Independent if he doesn't get the Repub nom.

Yeah a lot of people are getting highly suspicious, especially after it was revealed he had a "secret" call recently with Slick Willy


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I didn't watch the earlier debate but everyone says Carly Fiorina killed it and really impressed. I saw some of the clips and she was pretty impressive.

I think she ran against that ****** Barbara Boxer in California for senator but Boxer refused over and over again to debate her. Pretty obvious why now.

Can you imagine the liberal media implosion if the Repub ticket were Carson/Fiorina?


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I think it’s over blown and motivated by bigoted racists.

Nothing about illegal immigration is overblown. It is a major drain on the economy. From your comments, I gather that anybody that wants the borders closed is a racist. That speaks volumes about your views on race.
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Still, I agree with jndays point that illegal immigration is not at all overblown. It's a very serious, very taxing problem we need to address.


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No offense, but you have a fucked up view on race yourself.

The view I have is that each race in general has different qualities. No one race is better than the others, but there is differences. Each race has good and bad traits. is that fucked up? I could give a two day lecture on the subject with facts to back it up, but I don't think you really want to argue with DNA. If you was a loyal American, you would be insulted by these people breaking your nation's laws. You are putting your race before the well being of this country.


Anywhere on the line.
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I like Trump's unfiltered mouth,to a point.
Political correctness has swelled beyond it's intent,to the point anything considered a slight by anyone,anywhere is shouted down.
He does cross the line in my opinion,he doesn't have to be insulting to speak plainly.
I'm not convinced he'd make a great POTUS,or even a good one.
He's such an arrogant prick and I'm assuming in his day to day business operations none of his underlings are going to call him out on his bullshit.
The media and his opponents will.


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No offense, but you have a fucked up view on race yourself.

No offense, but if you cant understand why letting anyone and everyone come here and then give them all kinds of free shit paid for by US citizens, then you are retarded beyond help.
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No offense, but if you cant understand why letting anyone and everyone come here and then give them all kinds of free shit paid for by US citizens, then you are retarded beyond help.

The current plan doesn’t work so let’s throw more money at it. Talk about retarded.

Besides, we are all immigrants you dumb fuck.

Please, i am not interested in arguing politics with you. We are polar opposites.
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We are not all immigrants. Most of our ancestors were immigrants that migrated legally.

Were talking about illegal immigrants.

Also, not sure the wall works but Something needs to be done.
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The view I have is that each race in general has different qualities. No one race is better than the others, but there is differences. Each race has good and bad traits. is that fucked up? I could give a two day lecture on the subject with facts to back it up, but I don't think you really want to argue with DNA. If you was a loyal American, you would be insulted by these people breaking your nation's laws. You are putting your race before the well being of this country.

Round one goes to jnday


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The current plan doesn’t work so let’s throw more money at it. Talk about retarded.

Besides, we are all immigrants you dumb fuck.

Please, i am not interested in arguing politics with you. We are polar opposites.

This has nothing to do with politics or race dumbass. Its simple fucking math, which apparently you don't get.


Quality Starter
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Exactly, it is math and common sense, not race. Not to get serious here on the DCC, but I hate that people make so much about race. I think that seems worse lately because there are so many race baiters who get so much attention in the media and people follow their lead.

But skin color and background make no difference. If you're going to come in and be productive and contribute to the system, great, we're happy to accept you and happy for you to have the benefits that come with it. That's a win-win situation. If you don't contribute but just take from the system, that's a negative and an untenable situation at some point. Doesn't matter if you're yellow, black, brown, red, or as anglo as can be. Why would it possibly matter?
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I worry more about the lazy ass home grown criminals vs the poor Mexicans coming across and trying to make a living.

It’s always about race. Inferior people don’t belong in our country, ect.
Many of you dudes are racists and bigots. I’ve been reading your comments for years. Stop with the bullshit, not fooling me. Of course you would agree with other racists and bigots. Trump is the biggest one of all.

BTW, not interesting in a political debate with any of you. It’s a waste of time, you are set in your beliefs. I said i would vote against Trump and i would. Sheik wanted me to expand on it and i tried to do that. Many of my thoughts on immigration i shared in the Post More thread, don’t feel like re-hashing.


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News flash to you hose head. Crime from people here illegally is out of control.

This has nothing to do with fucking race. It doesn't matter if you are white, yellow, green, brown, black, purple whatever. If you cant go through immigration legally then YOU SHOULDNT FUCKING BE HERE. It is helping to cripple the economy, education and healthcare systems.

Maybe you should look up the rules involved in trying to immigrate to other nations.
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News flash to you hose head. Crime from people here illegally is out of control.

This has nothing to do with fucking race. It doesn't matter if you are white, yellow, green, brown, black, purple whatever. If you cant go through immigration legally then YOU SHOULDNT FUCKING BE HERE. It is helping to cripple the economy, education and healthcare systems.

Maybe you should look up the rules involved in trying to immigrate to other nations.

You are one stupid fuck. Most Mexicans keep their nose clean, just want to work and not get in trouble. The system to become a citizen is damn near impossible. If Mexicans were all to all leave, THAT would cripple the economy...you stupid fuck.
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