
Defense Wins Championships
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The View's Sunny Hostin will be for a version of "Yellow Stars" to be worn by all non-Vaccers...



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So what happened to the story about John Kerry revealing top secret information about Israeli operations in Syria? Are we just going to forget about it? The media dropped that story like a a hot rock. Compare that story, which resulted from a leaked audio of the leader of Iran admitting to Kerry's treachery, to the false report that Trump divulged top secret information to Russians in a meeting in 2017. Four Americans with in the meeting with the Russians with Trump and all 4 came out publicly, including H.R. McMaster twice, to refute the story claiming it was false. Yet to this day the media still stands by their reporting. The Iranians reveal to us, unwittingly, that Kerry told secrets to them and the media gives it a ho hum because Kerry himself denied it was true. Then, Iran comes out with an apology for the leak, pretty much proving once again the story is true.

The media really are the enemies of the American people.


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So this is part of the hypocrisy of Big Tech and something these dolts just can't reconcile. Now, don't get me wrong, the survival of the Jewish State is not a hill I choose to die on. Why? When a majority of Jews support the Dems and the Libs, why should I care? I support the Jewish State and peace in the Middle East is in all of our best interests. But maybe some more Jews should support a pro-Israeli party and candidates before I really start giving a fuck.


This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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So what happened to the story about John Kerry revealing top secret information about Israeli operations in Syria? Are we just going to forget about it? The media dropped that story like a a hot rock. Compare that story, which resulted from a leaked audio of the leader of Iran admitting to Kerry's treachery, to the false report that Trump divulged top secret information to Russians in a meeting in 2017. Four Americans with in the meeting with the Russians with Trump and all 4 came out publicly, including H.R. McMaster twice, to refute the story claiming it was false. Yet to this day the media still stands by their reporting. The Iranians reveal to us, unwittingly, that Kerry told secrets to them and the media gives it a ho hum because Kerry himself denied it was true. Then, Iran comes out with an apology for the leak, pretty much proving once again the story is true.

The media really are the enemies of the American people.
The next available shiny object - Liz Cheney- got waved in front of everyone's faces.


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The next available shiny object - Liz Cheney- got waved in front of everyone's faces.

This is happening to OUR country. When Trump called the media, "the enemy of the people", he was absolutely right.

btw, Cheney deserves what she got, and she deserves to be ousted from her seat in 2022 by a trustworthy Republican. She is acting like Jeff Flake blaming everything on Trump but let's look at the facts. Cheney voted to impeach Trump for the charge of inciting an insurrection at the Capitol on Jan 6. This was a lie back then, and it is a proven lie now. The FBI stated that the "riot" at the Capitol was planned in advance of Trump's speech. And, Cheney said nothing when Maxine Waters urged BLM protestors to get more confrontational a month ago. She falsely accused Trump and never apologized to him or his supporters. She is a low character TDS afflicted liar.


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I remember when 30 ex-US officials wrote a letter claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation and the media ran with that story 24x7 for weeks. Those officials were lying of course. Now we have 124 retired military officers concerned about Biden's mental health and not a single mainstream news outlet has covered this story.

We watch video after video of Biden unable to read a teleprompter, forget names of people he just met or people who are prominent in our government, forget the names of organizations he runs, and confuse facts, dates, and other important details about the state of our country and we have yet to hear the phrase "25th amendment" uttered even 1 time. How many times did Democrats bring up the 25th amendment during Trump's administration despite Trump sharp wit and willingness to answer questions every day?

In Australia, prominent figures in journalism are openly questioning Biden's mental health. But in the US not a single word about it from anyone in the media. Not even a mild concern? Again, this is why the media is the enemy of the people.


Defense Wins Championships
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As Paul Harvey would say, "And now...The Rest of the Story..."



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Steve Bannon's War Room and National Pulse...Two sources of info that you'll never ever hear about on the fake nooz...

The numbers are pretty staggering and some serious questions have been raised. Even more concerning is that it looks like files have been purposefully deleted. And I believe they may have been deleted after a subpoena for the information was issued. At some point, this is just outright criminal.


This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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124 Generals not only don't like what they see, some say that they've seen -and participated in - it in other nations before...

Bannon Interviewed three of them this morning.


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124 Generals not only don't like what they see, some say that they've seen -and participated in - it in other nations before...

Bannon Interviewed three of them this morning.

Notice how little attention this has gotten compared to the letter 30 ex-government officials wrote claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia disinformation, a claim that was 100% false?

In fact, we could be seeing the beginning of a financial implosion due to the increase in money supply, thanks to Biden spending like a drunken sailor, and no one is talking about it. Do people realize what happens when you have a national debt of $28 trillion and interest rates double every 6 months?


Defense Wins Championships
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I received this email today:

President Donald J. Trump in Dallas, Texas

June, 3, 2021

I hope all is well! Chairman Corey Lewandowski and I along with National Finance Chairman Kimberly Guilfoyle wanted to personally invite you to Make America Great Again Action, Inc.'s event with special guest, President Donald J. Trump in Dallas, Texas on Sunday, July 11th.

MAGA Action, Inc. continues to invest in candidates and causes which will continue to grow the movement of conservative principles, practices, and policies of President Donald J. Trump in order to save our great country.

The invitation is attached below. If you have any questions or would like to RVSP, please let us know as soon as possible since space is limited.

We hope you will join us!

Pam Bondi
Make America Great Again Action, Inc.


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Conservatives (ie: Trump) are not taking back the White House. The country doesn't have the belly for it even if they find fraud in the audits. I always believed and have stated that any audits are bigger than Trump or Biden. Find the issues and fix them so they never happen again.

Unfortunately, social media and MSM are driving the narrative. Just like the Wuhan Lab leak theory, they banned anyone who brought it up and called them conspiracy theorists. The same may happen with the election fraud theory if if the current audits find evidence of fraud and it gets some traction.

Having said all that, Trump should consider stepping aside and allowing a young gun like DeSantis run for President. I have no doubt DeSantis would destroy the incumbent in any debate and if he picks a solid running mate, he'd have a good chance.


Quality Starter
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If he ran with Crenshaw, it be the first time in my life I’d be excited to vote


In the Rotation
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Conservatives (ie: Trump) are not taking back the White House. The country doesn't have the belly for it even if they find fraud in the audits. I always believed and have stated that any audits are bigger than Trump or Biden. Find the issues and fix them so they never happen again.

Unfortunately, social media and MSM are driving the narrative. Just like the Wuhan Lab leak theory, they banned anyone who brought it up and called them conspiracy theorists. The same may happen with the election fraud theory if if the current audits find evidence of fraud and it gets some traction.

Having said all that, Trump should consider stepping aside and allowing a young gun like DeSantis run for President. I have no doubt DeSantis would destroy the incumbent in any debate and if he picks a solid running mate, he'd have a good chance.

I really don't think Trump will run again. I think he will get behind a pro-Trump candidate and push for him/her to win. Look what they did to Trump and are still doing. If he announced he is running, they will indict him, harass him every way they can in the courts and who knows what else. Frankly, what the NY AG and the SDNY are doing to him is political persecution. It is unfathomable how they can launch investigations, subpoena everything about him for the last 20 years looking for a crime, based only on the insinuations of a convicted fraudster with an ax to grind.

In the meantime, there is evidence of multiple obvious crimes on Hunter Biden's laptop and the authorities are doing nothing. Hillary Clinton clearly broke the law multiple times using her own email server, and selling influence through the Clinton Foundation and there are no indictments. We do not have a fair and impartial justice system any more.

A great example of this are the two Jan 6 protestors who are being held without bail on trespassing and disorderly conduct charges while Antifa rioters charged with throwing Molotov cocktails at Portland police are out on bail, which was paid by GoFundMe accounts opened by liberals lawyers.
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