This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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So now the FBI is involved....I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that..../sarc


This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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You didn’t answer my question
Your questions are, for the most part, a strawman argument....Just because any given politician lies doesn't make the "fact checkers" legit by extension.

If the worst thing you have after four years of poorly contrived bug hunts is "TRUMP LIES!", you don't have so much as a popcorn fart.

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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According to Lin Wood, the Fulton County vote fraud machines are getting a "software update"......With a cloth, no doubt.



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Fact checkers from every single newspaper/news outlet/news source across the globe

You aren’t seriously be disputing the fact that Trump lies repeatedly are you?
Fact checkers???? lol, every single one of them is an utter joke and put in place solely to provide cover to the media and deep state. I wonder how many of the things he has said that were recorded as lies at the time he said it were corrected when they turned out to be true? The answer to that question is absolutely none yet there are plenty of examples where he has said something that the media labeled a lie yet turned out to be true like when he said someone was "tapping the wires" at Trump Tower. We now know without a doubt the FBI was spying on Trump.


Quality Starter
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so what's the problem with the claims by this guy, who is a lifelong republican and hired by Trump (now fired):



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So now the FBI is involved....I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that..../sarc

The FBI being involved scares the crap out of me. They have never been on Trumps side. I can easily see them getting "involved" just so they can say hey we "looked" and found no fraud. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt they have no issues putting their finger on the scale especially when they think the incoming administration will provide cover for them like Biden would if he prevails.


Super Moderator
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so what's the problem with the claims by this guy, who is a lifelong republican and hired by Trump (now fired):

You're a good man Yim!!! I listened to the interview just to get an understanding of what I may be missing. Let me ask you...did he really say anything? He talked about how hard his team worked for the past year and how they worked 18 hour days. Give me a break, Typical bureaucrat who moved up at a young age without any skill set. Same thing we discussed in our PM's. Sound familiar?

Did he explain how the system worked other than getting the paper ballots to a 90 percentile range from 88%? BTW, that's the typical government way to evaluate a success rate is to increase or decrease some abstract number then claim success, It's what these scrubs do. He didn't explain the anomalies. He didn't explain how the thumb drives work or why there are dozens of them missing in PA. He wasn't asked any questions regarding the mail in ballots which have been banned in most every civilized society. Did he have an issue with the mail in ballots? Can he make the same claim with regards to the mail in ballots? Why wasn't he asked about the mail in ballots or was his job strictly on the cyber side? Did his unit consider the impact of the mail in ballots or do any type of study regarding it's impact? Did he answer the question about where the votes are counted and in what country?

You can't make a blanket statement about this being the most secure election in US history when you're flooded with invalidated mail in ballots that no civilized country uses. Now, if he would have said that the system wasn't hacked by foreign actors, I can get on that train and I'll listen and I might agree. But he made a blanket statement with regards to the whole election that he can't possibly prove from his work station in DC.

He said nothing, literally. Just blanket statements and answers without any real explanation to make me believe he knows anything about what he's talking about.

In addition, my guess is this guy is going to testify in the future before the Senate and he'll be asked many of the same questions I asked above. He won't be able to answer any of them and he'll be exposed as an absolute know nothing bureaucrat who can only answer questions in platitudes. But he thinks because he has a fancy DC title that he knows more than anyone else and we're supposed to take what he says as gospel. I despised these people.
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Super Moderator
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And Yim, doesn't it seem odd that a bureaucrat would take to Twitter to make a statement in opposition of the Administration? As if he didn't know he'd be terminated immediately and then he laments not being able to say goodby to his team? I'm going to puke just listening to his BS. If he'd done his job, he would have looked at the allegations and conducted an analysis to brief the Administration. Not take to Twitter. He's a know nothing loser. When I hear people talk in platitudes and give us the DC talk track, I absolutely know he/she lacks any real skill set.
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Quality Starter
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I obviously dont know all the answers to your questions.

Seemed like he wasn't a lifelong bureaucrat, IIRC, he was at Microsoft and other places in the private sector before being brought on by Trump a couple of years ago

I understood him to say a paper ballot corresponded to each machine vote so the vote could be verified via recount, if true, then the recounts would reveal fraud/errors (to a degree as hand recounts have to have a degree of error themselves)

I dont recall him addressing mail-in ballots and would like to have heard more about this

As far as massive fraud organized & controlled behind the scenes that resulted in a Biden win, I'm having trouble with that assertion as it would seem to have to involve many people to pull it off and like the saying goes: "Three may keep a Secret, if two of them are dead"

but if there are a few people able to pull so many levers from the press to the various voting locations nationwide without detection or being revealed by anyone involved, then we're probably screwed until the wheels fall off In something on the scale of a civil war

Thus far the whole thing is starting to feel like Pizzagate and I'm just waiting for crazy shotgun guy to bring us all back to our senses but I admittedly don't have time to read, digest and vet the avalanche of claims being made because its exhausting.

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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I obviously dont know all the answers to your questions.

Seemed like he wasn't a lifelong bureaucrat, IIRC, he was at Microsoft and other places in the private sector before being brought on by Trump a couple of years ago

I understood him to say a paper ballot corresponded to each machine vote so the vote could be verified via recount, if true, then the recounts would reveal fraud/errors (to a degree as hand recounts have to have a degree of error themselves)

I dont recall him addressing mail-in ballots and would like to have heard more about this

As far as massive fraud organized & controlled behind the scenes that resulted in a Biden win, I'm having trouble with that assertion as it would seem to have to involve many people to pull it off and like the saying goes: "Three may keep a Secret, if two of them are dead"

but if there are a few people able to pull so many levers from the press to the various voting locations nationwide without detection or being revealed by anyone involved, then we're probably screwed until the wheels fall off In something on the scale of a civil war

Thus far the whole thing is starting to feel like Pizzagate and I'm just waiting for crazy shotgun guy to bring us all back to our senses but I admittedly don't have time to read, digest and vet the avalanche of claims being made because its exhausting.
Same question I asked Doomsday....Giuliani, Powell, McEnany et. al. have hundreds upon hundreds of affidavits spread across no fewer than six states....You really think that not a single one of them is a democrat with a conscience?


High Plains Drifter
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democrat with a conscience?
Do those even exist today? Or for the last 20 years?

If so why don't these Cassandras give us the info, the background on the witnesses?

Surely these witnesses signed their names to these affidavits. Who are they? Why do they not come forward? If the Cassandras have the goods, why don't they release the Kraken already?


Pro Bowler
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Do those even exist today? Or for the last 20 years?

If so why don't these Cassandras give us the info, the background on the witnesses?

Surely these witnesses signed their names to these affidavits. Who are they? Why do they not come forward? If the Cassandras have the goods, why don't they release the Kraken already?

Powell released the Kraken last week

Didn’t you get the memo?

Yeah, no one else did either because it came and went with zero fanfare

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Do those even exist today? Or for the last 20 years?

If so why don't these Cassandras give us the info, the background on the witnesses?

Surely these witnesses signed their names to these affidavits. Who are they? Why do they not come forward? If the Cassandras have the goods, why don't they release the Kraken already?
Didn't get the memo on cancel culture, didja?

We see how these goon squads treat republicans, how do you think they'd treat turncoats?


Super Moderator
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I guess this one gets filed under “well that didn’t go as planned”

A 3 million vote recount was conducted in Milwaukee and it ended up adding votes for Biden


Any recount where they don't validate the mail in ballots are useless. That's the primary issue and where the majority of the fraud took place. The fact that we're still counting ballots one month after the election is abhorrent.

The only real case that might get traction at SCOTUS are the changes in the state's election laws without going through the legislature.
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