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As sad as it is, this election is more than about Trump. It's about Obamacare; it's about a corrupt politician who will do and say anything to anyone to get elected; it's about the Republican Party who was elected to the majority in the House and Senate who have let their constituents down; it's about the main stream media who are so dishonest when it comes to covering the flaws of each candidate.

I even believe the elections are rigged with the left stuffing the ballot boxes with "dead" voters. The sad part is that this doesn't even get investigated and it's an unacceptable attack on the integrity of the system and the country itself.

Folks may not agree with Trump. But folks are absolutely fed up. They're fed up with the attack on the middle class; they're fed up with higher taxes; they're fed up with higher insurance premiums and deductibles and they're fed up with the outrageous attempt to change the ethnic landscape by allowing the country to be flooded with illegal imigrants who are then legalized for thepurpose of stuffing the Democrat ticket.

This country is fucked and some people can't even see it. The thing is, the left wing libs will always manipulate the system in their favor. It's complete and utter corruption.


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As sad as it is, this election is more than about Trump. It's about Obamacare; it's about a corrupt politician who will do and say anything to anyone to get elected; it's about the Republican Party who was elected to the majority in the House and Senate who have let their constituents down; it's about the main stream media who are so dishonest when it comes to covering the flaws of each candidate.

I even believe the elections are rigged with the left stuffing the ballot boxes with "dead" voters. The sad part is that this doesn't even get investigated and it's an unacceptable attack on the integrity of the system and the country itself.

Folks may not agree with Trump. But folks are absolutely fed up. They're fed up with the attack on the middle class; they're fed up with higher taxes; they're fed up with higher insurance premiums and deductibles and they're fed up with the outrageous attempt to change the ethnic landscape by allowing the country to be flooded with illegal imigrants who are then legalized for thepurpose of stuffing the Democrat ticket.

This country is fucked and some people can't even see it. The thing is, the left wing libs will always manipulate the system in their favor. It's complete and utter corruption.

That pretty much covers it all. You nailed it.
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The thing that I find particulalry troublesome about Trump's comments - He was sued by a woman who alleged that Trump did to her what Trump was describing in the taped conversation.

If Trump actually did what he was recorded as saying ... then the recording wasn't merely "bad boy locker room talk".

What a crappy election.


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As sad as it is, this election is more than about Trump. It's about Obamacare; it's about a corrupt politician who will do and say anything to anyone to get elected; it's about the Republican Party who was elected to the majority in the House and Senate who have let their constituents down; it's about the main stream media who are so dishonest when it comes to covering the flaws of each candidate.

I even believe the elections are rigged with the left stuffing the ballot boxes with "dead" voters. The sad part is that this doesn't even get investigated and it's an unacceptable attack on the integrity of the system and the country itself.

Folks may not agree with Trump. But folks are absolutely fed up. They're fed up with the attack on the middle class; they're fed up with higher taxes; they're fed up with higher insurance premiums and deductibles and they're fed up with the outrageous attempt to change the ethnic landscape by allowing the country to be flooded with illegal imigrants who are then legalized for thepurpose of stuffing the Democrat ticket.

This country is fucked and some people can't even see it. The thing is, the left wing libs will always manipulate the system in their favor. It's complete and utter corruption.

Our media feels like Pravda now. That would've sounded ridiculous not too many years ago, but in 2016 it's really the truth. I guess they feel Trump gives them an excuse to end the charade and openly campaign for one candidate over another. It would be bad enough if this were a one-off situation, but I'm sure now that the seal has been broken, it'll be this way from here on out. Which is downright terrifying.

Problem is, young people don't even realize how bad this is. I don't know what will turn the tide. At this point it doesn't seem like anything will. Sad times.
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The Weather Channel grosses me out .... so sensationalistic ... short on information, long on emotion. It must make for higher ratings.

Political coverage has become commercial theater too.


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Problem is, young people don't even realize how bad this is. I don't know what will turn the tide. At this point it doesn't seem like anything will. Sad times.

The tide wont turn. I used to think that a major catastrophe or a total economic collapse would probably do it but there are just way too many brain dead people in this country for even that to turn things around. Maybe if enough jihadists coordinated to wipe out all of the major cities and areas where the liberal voting power is and it just left middle America things would turn back some.


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Our media feels like Pravda now. That would've sounded ridiculous not too many years ago, but in 2016 it's really the truth. I guess they feel Trump gives them an excuse to end the charade and openly campaign for one candidate over another. It would be bad enough if this were a one-off situation, but I'm sure now that the seal has been broken, it'll be this way from here on out. Which is downright terrifying.

Problem is, young people don't even realize how bad this is. I don't know what will turn the tide. At this point it doesn't seem like anything will. Sad times.

The level of righteous indignation is obscene TE. Trump said something about women in an entertainment/locker room setting and it's somehow horrific and anti-woman. Hillary and other attack her husband's victims or defends a rapist and makes disparaging remarks about the victim and it's all forgotten.

I hope no one here decides to run for office because the shit that's posted on here is far worse. I just think this stuff is stupid and the level of outrage from political thieves because some rich guy said he loves to slay pussy is just fucking nuts.

These young folks will learn the hard way. They're fucked and don't even know it. No jobs, huge debt and the libs control the country and think nothing of manipulating the system to benefit themselves and their kids. It's disgusting.


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The thing is, Dodger, I don't know if they will learn the hard way. I'm not sure we couldn't be like a Spain with horribly high unemployment and a terrible economy and the mainstream media (I hate that term, but I guess it fits), the schools, etc will tell them it was someone else's fault. Because it can't be the policies of the left, they'll blame anything else.

It's a massive herd mentality, really. The left have successfully sold themselves as the cool kids. If you aren't with them, you're an uneducated, unsophisticated boor. A deplorable. It may sound crazy, but I won't be surprised when we lose our right to free speech much like most of Europe, where you can be jailed for speaking out against government policies like forced immigration. Even if it's not a formal repeal of the First Amendment, it can be effectively illegal by becoming a social pariah, as you almost are today. Because everyone knows we must follow the EU lead and be more like them whenever possible.

Somebody a little older than me correct me if I'm wrong. It's certainly possible I am. But I've never seen anything like what's going on today with our schools and media.
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I'm no Trump fan but I kind of agree about the comments.

The truth is, we know that if you recorded all private comments from enough years ago, no man would be eligible to run. We've all made locker room type comments that were never meant for public consumption.

Imagine the things a tape recorder would pick up from Hillary over the decades. They'd be just as bad, and probably much more than just insensitive or objectifying of the opposite sex. Hell, what about those laughing comments about getting that rape perp off when she was a young attorney?
I don't think either of them should be president. But pretending Trump's comments are just run of the mill locker room talk is ridiculous. Admit what they are, and decide if you want someone like that running your country. If you still think he's the man for the job, I've got serious concerns about your sanity.

And I would say the same thing if you voted for HRC.


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But pretending Trump's comments are just run of the mill locker room talk is ridiculous. Admit what they are, and decide if you want someone like that running your country.

What are they? He was on set with an entertainment show. The reporter was playing along. He's now an NBC (?) reporter. If someone recorded half the shit we say we'd be in a lot of trouble.


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The Weather Channel grosses me out .... so sensationalistic ... short on information, long on emotion. It must make for higher ratings.

Political coverage has become commercial theater too.

I hate the TWC and haven't watched it in years.


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I don't think either of them should be president. But pretending Trump's comments are just run of the mill locker room talk is ridiculous. Admit what they are, and decide if you want someone like that running your country. If you still think he's the man for the job, I've got serious concerns about your sanity.

And I would say the same thing if you voted for HRC.

We gotta put somebody in office, and of the people on the ballot Trump is the best choice. There are 4 candidates and all of them are garbage, but at least Trump has some common sense policies that this country badly needs to embrace before its officially is the end of reign of being a prosperous, ideal place to live and work superpower.


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The thing is, Dodger, I don't know if they will learn the hard way. I'm not sure we couldn't be like a Spain with horribly high unemployment and a terrible economy and the mainstream media (I hate that term, but I guess it fits), the schools, etc will tell them it was someone else's fault. Because it can't be the policies of the left, they'll blame anything else.

It's a massive herd mentality, really. The left have successfully sold themselves as the cool kids. If you aren't with them, you're an uneducated, unsophisticated boor. A deplorable. It may sound crazy, but I won't be surprised when we lose our right to free speech much like most of Europe, where you can be jailed for speaking out against government policies like forced immigration. Even if it's not a formal repeal of the First Amendment, it can be effectively illegal by becoming a social pariah, as you almost are today. Because everyone knows we must follow the EU lead and be more like them whenever possible.

Somebody a little older than me correct me if I'm wrong. It's certainly possible I am. But I've never seen anything like what's going on today with our schools and media.

Good post. I might have mentioned this before but I live the overseas for over four years. Nothing that I'm seeing today in the United States is new. I saw this first hand back in the 90s. Public corruption was common and worst yet, it was acceptable.

Socialized medicine made it virtually impossible to get decent medical care if you needed to see a doctor or if you needed a hospital stay, you had to pay bribe money in an envelope. Everybody was getting bribed in that type system.

Sadly, the only way for that systems to function is by destroying the legal system. The reason being that without police the corrupt system can continue unabated. That is what we are seeing here. Hillary needs to destroy the police to keep herself and her ilk out of prison. I just never thought I would see it in the US.
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This bullshit has already started. What the fuck kind of first question was that? This country is fucked and you ask about kids watching the debate and school work bullshit.....fuck me people are fucking stupid.


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This bullshit has already started. What the fuck kind of first question was that? This country is fucked and you ask about kids watching the debate and school work bullshit.....fuck me people are fucking stupid.

UFB, this whole debate actually.

She's a liar.

No, he's a liar.

No she is.

No he is.


Super Moderator
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UFB, this whole debate actually.

She's a liar.

No, he's a liar.

No she is.

No he is.

I actually thought it was a good debate and Trump did a whole lot better. I think he actually had her flustered and exposed her BS.
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