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Don't worry everybody, the FBI is getting to the bottom of this.

This story is getting bigger and bigger. I have to ask again, why would they need fake registrations? There is only 1 reason. They intended to cast fake ballots.

The FBI is will bury this investigation like the buried the investigations of Hunter and Joe Biden. If the truth comes out then Trump will be proven right again. The election was stolen.


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This story is getting bigger and bigger. I have to ask again, why would they need fake registrations? There is only 1 reason. They intended to cast fake ballots.

The FBI is will bury this investigation like the buried the investigations of Hunter and Joe Biden. If the truth comes out then Trump will be proven right again. The election was stolen.
They now have a whistleblower that says they have info about private social media conversations between pollworkers documenting the fraud.


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In almost 30 years and having gone though many, many trials, I've never heard of a speedy trial being granted to benefit the government. Not once....NEVER. The right to a speedy trial is guaranteed to a defendant, not the government. These radicals are so blatant they don't even hide their treacherous and treasonous behavior. There is no way that anyone's attorney can review discovery and the hundreds of thousands of documents and video evidence. And this doesn't account for any motions that can and will be filed.

Trials can take years to develop and usually do. Even for relatively minor or less serious offenses. Even (currently) working in the private sector and working on a case that is being prosecuted by the feds, it's been well over a year since the defendants were arrested (early 2022) and a trial date is tentatively scheduled for December, 2023. And this is after a few defendants have already plead guilty.

This type of conduct and reasoning by this judge is utterly outrageous and a disgrace to the judiciary.
What I do not get is why Trump's attorney's have not filed a motion to get her recused? Her comments from J6 judgements alone should get he booted from this case.

And you are right, the right to a speedy trial is the defendants right, not the governments. But it is funny to see Democrats on social media coming up with all kinds of explanations for why the government has a right to a speedy trial too. The presumption of innocence has been eradicated in America.


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This story is getting bigger and bigger. I have to ask again, why would they need fake registrations? There is only 1 reason. They intended to cast fake ballots.
I think there is more than one reason.

1. They may not be "fake" in their intent to cast fake ballots but filled out improperly by low qualified individuals hired to get people registered.

2. If the people GBI Strategies hired were told they would get bonuses based on the number of registrations completed, then that would motivate the employee to fill out registrations or perhaps complete an incomplete applications after the fact or just straight up fill some out to defraud the company they are working for, not the election and if hat was the case there would be no fraudulent voter taking advantage of the fraudulent application. IIUC, registration is merely a first step, the fake vote still has to be made somehow by someone at a later date.

As far as I know, its not illegal to help register voters and considering the overwhelming numbers that vote democrat who are black (I've heard it said as much as 90% vote democrat) so the Democrats get a huge bang for their buck by simply getting more minorities out to vote and there's no cheating if thats all that was done. I'm not saying thats all there was to it as I've heard of registration parties where raffles take place that give away prizes, free food, etc...if so, that's a clever work around to paying people to vote and hard to police.

I think these tactics and mail-in ballots (people could have been hired to get people to fill out mail-in ballots through innocent means, coercion, peer pressure, compensation, etc) are how Biden won the election. I'm dubious of the claim of late night votes coming in after republican observers had left are how voter fraud occurred because thats such a stupid and public way of trying to cheat (not to say this isnt possible considering the people involved)


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I think there is more than one reason.

1. They may not be "fake" in their intent to cast fake ballots but filled out improperly by low qualified individuals hired to get people registered.

2. If the people GBI Strategies hired were told they would get bonuses based on the number of registrations completed, then that would motivate the employee to fill out registrations or perhaps complete an incomplete applications after the fact or just straight up fill some out to defraud the company they are working for, not the election and if hat was the case there would be no fraudulent voter taking advantage of the fraudulent application. IIUC, registration is merely a first step, the fake vote still has to be made somehow by someone at a later date.

As far as I know, its not illegal to help register voters and considering the overwhelming numbers that vote democrat who are black (I've heard it said as much as 90% vote democrat) so the Democrats get a huge bang for their buck by simply getting more minorities out to vote and there's no cheating if thats all that was done. I'm not saying thats all there was to it as I've heard of registration parties where raffles take place that give away prizes, free food, etc...if so, that's a clever work around to paying people to vote and hard to police.

I think these tactics and mail-in ballots (people could have been hired to get people to fill out mail-in ballots through innocent means, coercion, peer pressure, compensation, etc) are how Biden won the election. I'm dubious of the claim of late night votes coming in after republican observers had left are how voter fraud occurred because thats such a stupid and public way of trying to cheat (not to say this isnt possible considering the people involved)

Possibly, although the numbers seems out of proportion to these explanations. I can see someone faking a hundred or a few hundred registrations, but if you were paying someone for legit registrations and they came to you looking to get paid for 8000-10000, wouldn't you questions what they were up to? Was GBI not even verifying what their agents were doing?

Whatever the case it is another example of the need to a thorough and transparent investigation. Burying the investigation just stokes more suspicion. Why are we not hearing about this until now? What did they find? What did the FBI look into? When it comes to the integrity of our elections we need to know everything.

There is one way to stop this and end all suspicions. Stop paying people to register voters. Stop paying people to harvest votes. If people are too lazy to vote then so be it.


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Possibly, although the numbers seems out of proportion to these explanations. I can see someone faking a hundred or a few hundred registrations, but if you were paying someone for legit registrations and they came to you looking to get paid for 8000-10000, wouldn't you questions what they were up to? Was GBI not even verifying what their agents were doing?

Whatever the case it is another example of the need to a thorough and transparent investigation. Burying the investigation just stokes more suspicion. Why are we not hearing about this until now? What did they find? What did the FBI look into? When it comes to the integrity of our elections we need to know everything.

There is one way to stop this and end all suspicions. Stop paying people to register voters. Stop paying people to harvest votes. If people are too lazy to vote then so be it.

I agree with you that the press shouldn't be suppressing the story and candidly looking into most voting concerns and fraud claims and presenting the facts wherever they lead. Instead, they seem complicit in censoring the topic, ignoring it or describing anyone who questions the election as a conspiracy loon unless you're Stacy Abrams or Hillary Clinton, et al

It doesnt strike me as suspicious for an organization set up solely to acquire voter registrations to turn in a huge batch at one (or minimal trips). The less trips, the more efficient, cost effective and therefore profitable it would be. If I was running a legit business doing this legally, thats the way I'd be thinking.

The articles states only a small percentage of the 8-10K of registrations were found to be suspicious. If accurate, that would fall in line with the reasons I mentioned which still doesn't mean there isnt legitimate voter fraud out there but in this case, it doesnt appear to be significant

quote from the article:

"An organization turned in some thousands of voter registrations throughout the fall of 2020, estimated on the high end to be cumulatively 8-10,000, and some within those batches were found to be suspicious or fraudulent," Wimmer said. There were legitimate registrations within the batches. The city clerk receiving the batches alerted authorities when she began noticing irregularities.


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The articles states only a small percentage of the 8-10K of registrations were found to be suspicious.

Does this even make sense to you? One person turning in 10,000 ballots and only a few seemed suspicious? What does that even mean? Where did the votes come from? How did she collect them? Who signed them?

None of us here could figure out how to collect 10,000 ballots, let alone legitimate ballots.


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Just like when they say the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist....the greatest trick these frauds have played is convincing the people to not believe what they see with their own eyes.


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Does this even make sense to you? One person turning in 10,000 ballots and only a few seemed suspicious? What does that even mean? Where did the votes come from? How did she collect them? Who signed them?

None of us here could figure out how to collect 10,000 ballots, let alone legitimate ballots.

they weren't ballots, they were voter registrations so no, I dont think it would be hard to do.

a one minute search and I found this site where I can download a paper registration form:

If I was getting paid to get people to register, I'd start by going to high traffic areas and try to get people to fill out the form. Large apartment complexes occupied by various minorities would be a good place as well. I did volunteer work around Dallas back in the day and there were low income apartments where there would be a lot of people from Thailand or Vietnam, etc, etc as folks tend to congregate around others they have something in common. I helped them learn how to drive, etc so helping them register would be easy as well.


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Just like when they say the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist....the greatest trick these frauds have played is convincing the people to not believe what they see with their own eyes.

or the opposite and seeing something that isnt there

I'll go wherever sound evidence leads me but this article doesnt leave me thinking there was massive voter fraud in regard to registrations in Michigan

I'm open to discussing the pros and cons of allowing organizations to target voters for registration but thats a hard to go against because you're arguing against helping people vote so the better solution might be for all parties to get out and vigorously campaign and register voters

I do buy the notion that the organization working to register voters were doing so at the behest of the Democratic Party and therefore were only interested in registering likely democratic voters


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I agree with you that the press shouldn't be suppressing the story and candidly looking into most voting concerns and fraud claims and presenting the facts wherever they lead. Instead, they seem complicit in censoring the topic, ignoring it or describing anyone who questions the election as a conspiracy loon unless you're Stacy Abrams or Hillary Clinton, et al

It doesnt strike me as suspicious for an organization set up solely to acquire voter registrations to turn in a huge batch at one (or minimal trips). The less trips, the more efficient, cost effective and therefore profitable it would be. If I was running a legit business doing this legally, thats the way I'd be thinking.

The articles states only a small percentage of the 8-10K of registrations were found to be suspicious. If accurate, that would fall in line with the reasons I mentioned which still doesn't mean there isnt legitimate voter fraud out there but in this case, it doesnt appear to be significant

quote from the article:

Some? What does that mean? Why can't we get an exact number or even an estimate. My understanding is there were registrations from non-existent addresses and many from the same address. There were also many with the same handwriting and signature. We need absolute transparency if we are to maintain trust in our elections. The media censors what they do not want us to know. How do we know they are not hiding the actual number of fake registrations from us? What if the number is 4000 out of 10000? That is "some" but it is also a high number that would make people ask questions.

This reminds me of the phone call between Trump and Raffensperger. On the call Trump went through the litany of reported fraudulent votes. Raffensperger argued back that those cases were investigated and they found nothing. But the investigations, if there was one was not made public, only the report that they investigated and found the reports of fraud to be untrue. It turns out Raffensperger was not being 100% truthful when he told Trump they investigated all those reports of fraud. There was fraud in Georgia, but no one would know that because the media only reported the false statement that it had been investigated. We know there were 67,000 votes cast in Georgia by people who moved out of state before the election.


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I just read an excellent legal analysis of the Mark Meadows motion to get his Georgia RICO charges moved to federal court. It was on Twitter by a lawyer representing Jan6 defendants. His analysis explains why Meadows' case should be moved to federal court and why once it is, the charges will be dismissed. Of course the case brought by Fani Willis is nonsense from the start but the question before the court today is, was Meadows acting in his official capacity as Chief-of-Staff to the president when he attended the phone call between Trump and Raffensperger. The "Removal Statute", which would move the case to federal from state court, basically says any federal officer acting in his official capacity, "under the color of such office", can remove charges from state court to federal court. According to this legal analysis, which cites precedence, the Georgia court must interpret this statute very broadly. Also, the judge in this case hearing the motion must interpret the arguments in Meadows' favor, the presumption that Meadows believed he was acting in his official capacity and not violating the law.

If the case is moved to federal courts, the RICO statutes are applied differently than Georgia's RICO laws. Most likely the charges against Meadows would be dismissed. The question then becomes, what about the other defendants? This case could fall apart pretty quickly after that.

Of course the entire case is predicated on the notion that Trump and his attorney's broke the law when they attempted to get Georgia to investigated reports of hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes.

In any case, we should watch this case play out. If Meadows loses his argument and the judge rules against him then we have to assume the judge in this case is not an honest judge. This would explain why Fani Willis chose to bring such a weak case to trial in the first place.


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Some? What does that mean? Why can't we get an exact number or even an estimate. My understanding is there were registrations from non-existent addresses and many from the same address. There were also many with the same handwriting and signature. We need absolute transparency if we are to maintain trust in our elections. The media censors what they do not want us to know. How do we know they are not hiding the actual number of fake registrations from us? What if the number is 4000 out of 10000? That is "some" but it is also a high number that would make people ask questions.

This reminds me of the phone call between Trump and Raffensperger. On the call Trump went through the litany of reported fraudulent votes. Raffensperger argued back that those cases were investigated and they found nothing. But the investigations, if there was one was not made public, only the report that they investigated and found the reports of fraud to be untrue. It turns out Raffensperger was not being 100% truthful when he told Trump they investigated all those reports of fraud. There was fraud in Georgia, but no one would know that because the media only reported the false statement that it had been investigated. We know there were 67,000 votes cast in Georgia by people who moved out of state before the election.
good questions and I agree, there should be full transparency and an endless spotlight on how the elections are being handled whether it be good, bad, negligent or fraudulent

how do we make that happen when apparently the press and other parties responsible for doing so appears to have other motives?

my responses are being the devils advocate related to your question:

I have to ask again, why would they need fake registrations? There is only 1 reason. They intended to cast fake ballots.

We can be critical but also acknowledge all possibilities and hopefully find enough evidence to lead us to the most accurate conclusion in each case
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they weren't ballots, they were voter registrations so no, I dont think it would be hard to do.

a one minute search and I found this site where I can download a paper registration form:

If I was getting paid to get people to register, I'd start by going to high traffic areas and try to get people to fill out the form. Large apartment complexes occupied by various minorities would be a good place as well. I did volunteer work around Dallas back in the day and there were low income apartments where there would be a lot of people from Thailand or Vietnam, etc, etc as folks tend to congregate around others they have something in common. I helped them learn how to drive, etc so helping them register would be easy as well.

Point taken on them being voter registrations. But it's still 10,000. Its a crazy high number either way. And I get where people could go to high rises but you'd have to assume that quite a few of those folks would already be registered to vote. And then you'd have to ask where the suspicious ones came from. It's so ass backwards......


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I can get behind the push for voter registration. But when you comple these tens of thousands of "new" registered voters with mail in ballots, it's a recipe for disaster. The Dems know damn well that most of the civilized world banned mail in ballots/voting. The fact that they push for them on solidifies my belief that they welcome and encourage fraudulent elections.


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I can get behind the push for voter registration. But when you comple these tens of thousands of "new" registered voters with mail in ballots, it's a recipe for disaster. The Dems know damn well that most of the civilized world banned mail in ballots/voting. The fact that they push for them on solidifies my belief that they welcome and encourage fraudulent elections.

The problem with the push to get voters registered, and to get them out to vote is it creates the incentive to cross the line. This case is an example of that. Some maybe tried to earn some extra money by faking voter registrations? The same could be true with vote harvesting. Paying people to harvest votes creates an incentive for people to create votes.

I don't understand why the government is so damn concerned about whether people vote or not? It is all corrupt. If people want to vote they will vote. If they don't vote that is their choice. Rounding up homeless people to vote, for example, is not a legitimate cause.

I like what Thomas Jefferson said about voting. He said voting is not for everyone. If is for those people who wish to participate in government. aggressively coercing people not interested to vote does not improve the quality of government. It taints the results.

Put up a web site where people can register. Then send them a voter ID card and tell them to show up on election day if they want to cast a ballot. The rest is on them. All these registration and get out the vote drives should be banned.


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The leader of the Proud Boys, Henry Tarrio, was sentenced to 22 years in prison yesterday for "seditious conspiracy" even though he was not in Washington DC on Jan 6. Tarrio, the judge claims, riled up his followers on Jan 6 in there attempt to overthrow the government.

22 years is more than serial rapists get. But let's be clear, the entire narrative that Jan6 was an insurrection or sedition is a media lie, and one many Republicans have gone along with. Jan 6 was a protest against a government that refuses to acknowledge that a large percentage of citizens believe the 2020 election was tainted by significant voter fraud. It was not an attempt to overturn the government or to install Trump as president. No one was armed and the protest lasted just a few hours. The judge cited the fact that Tarrio told his followers to bring bear spray and defensive equipment to the protest. What nonsense. These are standard items for Antifa to bring to their protests.

The 8th amendment of the constitution reads: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

22 years for Jan 6 is clearly a violation of the 8th amendment.


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Weird headline but basically the article poses the idea of people writing in for Trump if he is taken off the ballot by Democrats. Personally, I don't think this threat scares Democrats because write in campaigns usually fail miserably. I am not sure Democrat states would even count write in votes properly since it is a very manual procedure.

But the real question is, can Democrats take Trump off the ballot using Section 3 of the 14th amendment. This is the relevant text: "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

The problem for Democrats is Trump is has not been charged with insurrection or rebellion. I am assuming if he is convicted of other J6 related charges, the left wing judge will use the word insurrection in her ruling to give Democrats an excuse to remove him, but as of today, he cannot be convicted of insurrection because he has not been charged with it.

I do believe the SCOTUS will rule in favor of Trump when this case gets to them but the timing of the case could cause confusion. I believe the goal of Democrats is not just to convict Trump. I believe they want to suppress Republican votes because their goal is not just the White House. They want a majority in the house and 60 senate seats, a possibility that exists if Republican voters stay home on election day.


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Basically, the Georgia Grand Jury that recommended indicting Trump was just out to get every Republican brought before them. They wanted to indict David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler even though neither of them challenged losing their elections to the Senate. This just proves again how biased the investigation was and probably the grand juror selection process as well.
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