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Transcripts and an embedded video covering post #4,258 that cannot get scrubbed...

That's one wild story that I'm not so sure of. I listened to the interview posted earlier which included Gen. Flynn. This stuff is really out there.....


Pro Bowler
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Here’s the thing

How can all of these so called personal accounts, eyewitness reports and accusations of all sorts of impropriety all be bogus?

As they say where there is smoke there is fire

I find it hard to believe that with the 100’s of different reports from all over the country of all these similar accusations in different states that there isn’t something going on.

The left would have you believe (and does have their followers believing) that there wasn’t a single instance of foul play going on throughout the entire election process.

“If” even 1/4 of these reports turn out to be true this will be the biggest scandal in American History. This will literally turn the political landscape upside down.

But to be honest, regardless of what they can prove I do not see anything changing whatsoever. The left will sweep it all under the rug and make the sheeple believe it never happened.

CNN and MSNBC will Obi-Wan Kenobi the sheeple

CNN with a wave of their hand “these are not the droids you are looking for”

Sheeple “these are not the droids we are looking for”
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This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Here’s the thing

How can all of these so called personal accounts, eyewitness reports and accusations of all sorts of impropriety all be bogus?

As they say where there is smoke there is fire

I find it hard to believe that with the 100’s of different reports from all over the country of all these similar accusations in different states that there isn’t something going on.

The left would have you believe (and does have their followers believing) that there wasn’t a single instance of foul play going on throughout the entire election process.

“If” even 1/4 of these reports turn out to be true this will be the biggest scandal in American History. This will literally turn the political landscape upside down.

But to be honest, regardless of what they can prove I do not see anything changing whatsoever. The left will sweep it all under the rug and make the sheeple believe it never happened
The left would have you believe (and does have their followers believing) that there wasn’t a single instance of foul play going on throughout the entire election process.

The very same people who claimed to believe to their cores that RUSSIA! stole the election in '16 for Trump.

There's not one single reason to take any of them seriously.


Pro Bowler
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Other than, they have control over school curriculum, academia, print media, cable and broadcast TV media, Hollywood, and at least half of the Fortune 500 companies.

And more importantly Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and every other form of Multimedia


Pro Bowler
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We know that they're lying.

They know that they're lying.

We know that they know that they're lying.

They know that we know that they know that they're lying.

Yet they keep on lying.

Straight out of Trumps playbook

You say it enough and ppl will eventually believe it to be true, no matter how unbelievable it may originally seem to be

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Straight out of Trumps playbook

You say it enough and ppl will eventually believe it to be true, no matter how unbelievable it may originally seem to be
That playbook goes back a lot further than Trump....Anyone with any sense of intellectual honesty knows that.


Pro Bowler
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Are you trying to say Trump never lies intentionally?

The last I heard was his confirmed lies or false truths were up to 20k since taking office

It’s kinda what he’s known for and famous for

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Are you trying to say Trump never lies intentionally?

The last I heard was his confirmed lies or false truths were up to 20k since taking office

It’s kinda what he’s known for and famous for
"Confirmed" by whom?....The same fifth columnist media asswipes who've been gaslighting us for the last four years?


Pro Bowler
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"Confirmed" by whom?....The same fifth columnist media asswipes who've been gaslighting us for the last four years?

Fact checkers from every single newspaper/news outlet/news source across the globe

You aren’t seriously be disputing the fact that Trump lies repeatedly are you?
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