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If true, it just says eons about how incredibly ignorant the voting masses are in this country.

That said, he is getting enormous crowds and it seems the consensus is he is running a good campaign.

i have to wonder if you're going to see Trump just murder it in Iowa. Like 40% of the vote. I wonder how many people are reluctant to actually tell a pollster "I'm voting for trump.".

maybe I'm wrong, but I think there's at least a chance you could have a decent size of the population that would never admit it.


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i have to wonder if you're going to see Trump just murder it in Iowa. Like 40% of the vote. I wonder how many people are reluctant to actually tell a pollster "I'm voting for trump.".

maybe I'm wrong, but I think there's at least a chance you could have a decent size of the population that would never admit it.

Yep, have heard some of the national reporters and commentators bring that up.


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Put your V Cash where your mouths are losers.

Who wins R and D in Iowa tonight?


Draft Pick
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Hold on, you got an outside shot with Bernie.....well, in terms of getting the bigger percentage. Doesn't Iowa go proportional on the delegates?


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Big win for Cruz, big night for Rubio, nearly beat Trump for 2nd.

Hildabeast may "win" but its a huge loss for her. She had a 40+ pt lead at one point and if she does hold up and win tonight its going to be by no more than 1-2%. I think dems split the electoral votes for Iowa by %, so essentially Sanders is getting the same number as Hildaclod
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I don't know man... This Bernie shit scares the piss out of me. At least the Repubs haven't checked their minds out at the altar of Trump yet.


Quality Starter
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It scares me to death, too. I can't believe an outright socialist has this many people believing in him. Good chance we're screwed in the future no matter what happens this cycle.

But for now, I guess I'm banking on his not being electable in a general election. It would really suck to be wrong about that. :(
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I keep seeing Bernie supporters say he's a "democratic socialist" and distinguishing that from socialist. Can anyone explain the distinction to me like I'm a 5 year old? Cause I don't get it.

Agreed that it looks like these youngins are going to be voting for socialism in the future... Can Texas just secede already?


Super Moderator
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Is anyone else listening to Cruz and cringing? The guy sounds more like a snake oil preacher who's trying to talk you into donating more money in the name of Jesus. I'm almost embarrassed for the guy.


Super Moderator
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Agreed that it looks like these youngins are going to be voting for socialism in the future... Can Texas just secede already?

Kids today have lived off other people's money for most if not all of their lives. One of the greatest gifts my parents gave to me (next to citizenship) was work ethic. Maybe I'm not giving young people today enough credit but I just shake my head when I listen to them talk about political shit and they've never worked an honest day's labor in their life. Fuck Bernie Sanders.


Quality Starter
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Yes... He seems like a smart guy and a pretty good speaker, but he needed to calm down and stop talking. It's like he got too excited and just couldn't stop himself.


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The fact that Rubio did so well says Iowa, at least, isn't fed up with politics as usual.

Rubio should have been down around 3% like Jeb.


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I keep seeing Bernie supporters say he's a "democratic socialist" and distinguishing that from socialist. Can anyone explain the distinction to me like I'm a 5 year old? Cause I don't get it.

Agreed that it looks like these youngins are going to be voting for socialism in the future... Can Texas just secede already?

Socialism ends private ownership over the means of production.

Haven't heard any candidate champion that idea. I doubt anyone would even endorse such an idea. The big distinction I guess would be that Democratic Socialism can be 100% in favor of private ownership of the means of production and 100% in favor of seeing the rewards of the system be more evenly distributed. Not even "equally" distributed between the owners of the means of production and their labor force, but more evenly distributed.

In an NFL sense, it's the CBA. The CBA doesn't divide the league amongst the players as it would under Socialism, it just makes sure that the players have certain protections and can't be treated like cattle. Could the NFL owners make more money without the protections the CBA provides? Bet your fucking ass they could. Anyone care to say the owners are hurting from the CBA?

Look at the minimum wage. Nobody is saying that the minimum wage should give everyone a 6-figure income. But maybe - just maybe - the minimum wage should be enough to where it would preclude the need for someone to collect government assistance. How much sense does it make for someone to be be able to collect government assistance even though they are employed full time? Tax payers subsidizing corporate wages. For what? That may as well be some odd dystopia version of socialism where everyone has a shared responsibility in funding the means or production but they don't have the shared wealth generated by it.

If you really want to talk about socialist ideas, the current healthcare system is a pretty fucking hard setup to beat. Medicare and Medicaid cost over $1T per year. Personal income tax generates $1.5T ever year. An amount roughly equivalent to 2/3rds of everyone's personal income tax bill goes to paying for healthcare for OTHER PEOPLE. Think about that amount of money when put into those terms and then consider that everyone who is paying for healthcare for other people also have to pay for it for themselves.
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I keep seeing Bernie supporters say he's a "democratic socialist" and distinguishing that from socialist. Can anyone explain the distinction to me like I'm a 5 year old? Cause I don't get it.

Agreed that it looks like these youngins are going to be voting for socialism in the future... Can Texas just secede already?

There is no difference at all. Those people are liars. Attempts to explain it like there is a difference are attempts to sell you more lies.
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