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Why are you trying to convince me of something that I've already agreed with you on?

Is he as conservative as I'd prefer, no. But the guy I supported lost.

Is he more conservative than the other losers on the ballot? Yes, absolutely.

Trump is fairly conservative on the Second Amendment, abortion, taxes, and has promised to nominate a strict originalist to the Court. He's also strong on Israel. But he has an affinity for East European supermodels, talks and acts like a prole, and builds tacky hotels and casinos. That's just too much for some.

This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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Trump is fairly conservative on the Second Amendment, abortion, taxes, and has promised to nominate a strict originalist to the Court. He's also strong on Israel. But he has an affinity for East European supermodels, talks and acts like a prole, and builds tacky hotels and casinos. That's just too much for some.

Well, there's also the matter of supporting lolberal douchewagons like Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, Rahm Emanuel, was for socialized medicine before he was against it, pro abortion before he was pro life, and he sounds more like moonbat Bernie on trade than anyone else.

But the word "conservative" has already been rendered pretty much meaningless anyways, so I suppose Cheeto Jesus could squeak by in an emergency.
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And nobody said anything about a perfect candidate...You now sound like a republican supporting a mush head like Dole or Romney.
I said something about a perfect candidate. You sound like you wanted someone in lock step with your personal views. Did you find what you were looking for?

Thanks for helping to wreck my former party.
I'm not a member of your party, and I wasn't at the convention to nominate Johnson. So I did nothing to your former party you arrogant fuck.


Pro Bowler
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I don't see anything on twitter. What did I miss re: Hillary and the fbi

Same shit different day
She did it, she's still an idiot, but it wasn't "criminal" so......

Nothing happens to her


This Bud's 4U

Drew Pearson cheated!ᵀᴹ
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I said something about a perfect candidate. You sound like you wanted someone in lock step with your personal views. Did you find what you were looking for?
Noting that Johnson is a complete train wreck of an alleged libertarian ≠ to wanting someone in lock step with my values.....You seem to have a really poor grasp of logic and logical fallacies for a supposed lawyer.

I'm not a member of your party, and I wasn't at the convention to nominate Johnson. So I did nothing to your former party you arrogant fuck.
I'm no longer an LP member, I've gone full Ranian/Hoppean ancap. Supporting a mutt like Johnson will only encourage my former party to continue being a cheap imitation of the republicans.

BTW, voting is a suggestion box for slaves, slave.


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Well, there's also the matter of supporting lolberal douchewagons like Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, Rahm Emanuel, was for socialized medicine before he was against it, pro abortion before he was pro life, and he sounds more like moonbat Bernie on trade than anyone else.

But the word "conservative" has already been rendered pretty much meaningless anyways, so I suppose Cheeto Jesus could squeak by in an emergency.

and Hillary was once stridently anti-gay marriage. so what? it's all about what you've done for me lately. his ascendancy also tells us how important trade and illegal immigration are to the base, not to mention a visceral hatred for proponents of political correctness.
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So only 5.5 million (and counting) came here without any sort of visa. That makes me feel better about the whole mess. :rolleyes
And if it were easier for them to come in with visas or on green cards, then those people wouldn't have to come in illegally. See, this is what you neo-cons don't get about laws. They get broken. And when the government over-complicates things, we end up with "messes." If it were easier to come in legally, those people wouldn't be undocumented, more of them would be paying taxes, and you wouldn't have to worry your pretty little head about how immigrants "TOOK ERRRR JAHHHHBS!"

So we already have more Mexicans than we need
Well, now that sounds like a true Trump disciple.

or can handle, but he proposes more so long as they pass a background check? Why would you reward a scofflaw country that flouts this country's immigration laws?
We're getting the benefit of cheap labor and a larger tax base.

What about those Mexicans who don't bother with visas and the like? What's his plan to stop them? The honor system?
The theory is if you make it easier to get into the country legally, then you won't have to stop illegal crossings.

Why would we allow more of them to enter when we can't keep track of the millions of visa overstayers already here? It's lunacy.
It doesn't matter if you allow them to or not... If they want to come in, they will, whether there is a wall or not.

[/QUOTE]I get the sense that if you can make it to this country, legally or illegally, Johnson will allow you to stay. Am I wrong? [/QUOTE]If you think Trump is going to round up 11 million people and kick them out, you're in for a big disappointment.

Demographics threaten to make Arizona, Georgia, and even Texas into swing states, which means permanent Democratic rule at the expense of libertarians and Republicans. So logic dictates that you should favor an immigration ban on countries whose immigrant populations produce Democrats. I mean, unless you're an idiot.
I don't get the sense "demographics" are going to hurt Libertarians. They'll definitely hurt Republicans, because Republicans are calling them murderers and rapists. Perhaps your party should change its rhetoric if you're worried about "demographics."

why? it applies to anyone in the country illegally, regardless of race or nationality. but we're supposed to ditch the phrase because Hispanics are the worst offenders by far? fuck that.
Yeah, the term is often used to refer to white euro-immigrants. :rolleyes

oh please. this is a stale rehash of "binders full of women." everyone knew what Romney meant and ditto for Trump. stop acting like Mexico is sending over PhD types and Nobel Laureates.
I know exactly what Trump meant. He said "some, I assume, are good people." He insulted the entire race. Your defense of him is embarrassing.

you missed that he's pro-TPP, pro-carbon tax, pro-mandatory vaccination, in favor of forcing Jews (or anyone for that matter) to bake cakes for neo-Nazis, tripled New Mexico's debt, lovingly described Hillary as a "wonderful public servant," and confessed to agreeing with neo-Marxist Bernie Sanders 73% of the time?
I didn't watch the entire video you posted with the 3:15 timestamp, if that's where all of this was. You directed me to a specific portion of the video (even with a fucked up timestamp)... I watched that and then looked to who made the video. When I saw it was infowars, that was it. Those guys make Drudge look sane.

He's not pro carbon tax. He's not pro mandatory vaccinations. He thinks TPP advances free trade, which is a libertarian ideal. He didn't triple New Mexico's debt... the legislature spends the money. A governor signs bills into law or vetoes them. He vetoed 750 bills, including having no tax increases in 6 of his 8 years. He vetoed budgets. But legislatures have override authority.

He agrees with Bernie on social issues much of the time. Fiscally, they are opposite ends of the spectrum. I think the number of 73% that you're referring to is from, which is probably more skewed toward social issues.

And oh noes, he complimented Hillary. Whatever will we do!!

You did find something I disagree with on the nazi cake thing... I also don't fall directly in line with his abortion stance. But that's not enough to make me vote for someone else.
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Pep I don't see how you could have possibly got through law school.

You cant tell the difference in how Hillary got the nomination as compared to the Trump situation?

Come on man, you cant possibly be this fucking dumb.
No where did I talk about how either of them got nominated, I just said the fact is they were both nominated. So go take your law school jab and shove it up your ass, you fucking used car salesman.
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Why are you trying to convince me of something that I've already agreed with you on?

Is he as conservative as I'd prefer, no. But the guy I supported lost.

Is he more conservative than the other losers on the ballot? Yes, absolutely.
So you're not supporting him because he's a conservative. You're supporting him because he's a Republican.
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And the part you arnt getting (either because you are trolling or just plain fucking stupid) is the Republican party didn't make Trump the candidate on the ballot like the corrupt Dem party did with Hillary. The PEOPLE voted for Trump (in record numbers) and made him the nominee. The people that run the party hardly supported Trump at all.
For fucks sake David. I didn't say anything about the people who run the party. When I say Republicans, I'm talking about voters... the voters nominated the piece of shit. If you don't like that I'm not voting for him, nominate someone better.
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Trump is fairly conservative on the Second Amendment, abortion, taxes, and has promised to nominate a strict originalist to the Court. He's also strong on Israel. But he has an affinity for East European supermodels, talks and acts like a prole, and builds tacky hotels and casinos. That's just too much for some.
Trump thinks people on the no fly list shouldn't be allowed to purchase guns. That's about as anti-2nd amendment as a "conservative" can get. He's all over the map on abortion, but has turned pro-life since he's been running for president this go round. How convenient.


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Trump thinks people on the no fly list shouldn't be allowed to purchase guns. That's about as anti-2nd amendment as a "conservative" can get. He's all over the map on abortion, but has turned pro-life since he's been running for president this go round. How convenient.

he does? so why does this ad bash him instead of praise him?

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