
Fraley: Garrett used Redskins as example in final talk with team

Garrett used Redskins as example in final talk with team
By Gerry Fraley / Reporter
6:20 PM on Sun., Apr. 10, 2011

Before the lockout began, Dallas Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett talked to a group of players who had remained in town since the end of the season. He stressed the need for the players to continue workouts on their own during the impasse.

Garrett brought a historical perspective to his words. He pointedly mentioned how the Washington Redskins won the Super Bowl during the 1982 and '87 seasons, each of which was interrupted by a strike. In each instance, the Redskins' players worked out together and were prepared when the regular season resumed.

"That reflected in their play on the field," Garrett said during a weekend coaches' clinic at the University of Tennessee.


I know for damn sure Wade wouldn't of said anything to the players.
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