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By Tim Cowlishaw / Columnist

This team already is 5-6. The losses are mounting. The injury list is growing. And yet somehow I think the blame has not been fairly distributed for the Cowboys’ latest contribution to sustained mediocrity.

I’m not one who would ever buy into “Super Bowl or bust” labels. For me, it’s always been conference title games. Barring the unlikeliest of December rallies, this marks the 17th consecutive season without an NFC title game for Dallas. For that, Jerry Jones’ insistence on not hiring a general manager draws the criticism it richly deserves.

But you know what? Just saying Jerry is tough to work for or that his system is flawed becomes too easy an escape route. Yes, his coach and his coordinators are hindered by the Jones system. But they’re not as handicapped as, say, the Tampa Bay Rays, who have to compete with teams that spend $100 million more per season on payroll.

Jason Garrett should do better than he has done. His teams shouldn’t be regressing as the seasons move along. And I think it’s safe to say he shouldn’t be calling quarterback sneaks on first down if he truly has his act together.

This has been a bad season for Garrett. He’s not alone.

Rob Ryan’s defense statistically has been superior to Garrett’s offense. But I don’t think there’s any real defense for giving up 28 second-quarter points Thursday in the biggest game of the year.

With the season on the line, 226 yards — in one quarter — should not happen regardless of opponent, lack of true home-field advantage, injury toll or any other excuse to be trotted out.

Ryan hasn’t had a bad season. But he had a really bad day at a bad time.

We all know Tony Romo would benefit from a better offensive line and a running game. He spends too much time under attack. The Cowboys’ 3.5 average yards per carry is the lowest in the league.

But you know who else has a very shaky offensive line and a lousy running game? The Green Bay Packers. Maybe the protection’s a little better (early in the season it wasn’t) and maybe 3.8 yards per carry is better than 3.5. But Aaron Rodgers has done a heck of a lot of winning the last three years under circumstances that aren’t entirely different.

Regardless, 15 interceptions with five games to go has Quincy Carter’s 21 in 2003 (most by a Cowboy the last 25 years) in Romo’s sights, if you can call it that.

Romo’s a lot less to blame for the miseries of 2012 than Garrett, and Garrett’s less at fault than Jones.

But, in professional sports, it’s never all about the crazy owner, because so many teams have some version of one. Coaches and players may have to work a little harder here, but to just call winning in Dallas an impossible task is being way too easy on the guilty parties of 2012.


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If the coaching were better, the team would be better.

But he hired the coach.


Quality Starter
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dbair spitting truth. Jerry doesn't make the team false start, blow assignments, or otherwise puke all over itself. The worst thing he did is take this huge gamble on an unproven project coach.


Pro Bowler
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Jerry is the Owner and General Manager. He assembles everything.

So yes, he deserves 100% of the blame for this stupid circus show.
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dbair spitting truth. Jerry doesn't make the team false start, blow assignments, or otherwise puke all over itself. The worst thing he did is take this huge gamble on an unproven project coach.

The commonality over these last 18 years has been Jerey and theyre just as stupid now as under Parcells
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What's frustrating is that I think Jason's done a pretty good job with the roster in terms of drafting. He just hasn't been able to coach them up to their level and can't call an offense worth a shit anymore, Constantly Getting shut out at home.
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What's frustrating is that I think Jason's done a pretty good job with the roster in terms of drafting. He just hasn't been able to coach them up to their level and can't call an offense worth a shit anymore, Constantly Getting shut out at home.

What he said.

That is Jason's only redeeming quality. He seems to be able to identify football players in the draft.


Pro Bowler
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We've got a very talented roster for whoever we hire next. If Jerry agrees to get out of the way it would be a great place to come to.


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We've got a very talented roster for whoever we hire next. If Jerry agrees to get out of the way it would be a great place to come to.

You can have all the talent in the world with your skill positions but if you can't block or tackle. It doesnt matter
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Love Cowlishaw.

Ginger has ruined the prime seasons of our core. Time to cut him loose and try to salvage something here.


Pro Bowler
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You can have all the talent in the world with your skill positions but if you can't block or tackle. It doesnt matter

We just need to fix the line and get a real coach in here who makes them tackle.

Parnell looks like he might be a solid starter for us. It's a shame we only realized this after Tyron got injured. That gives us Smith, Livings, new center, new RG, Parnell.

Looks like we have a good slot reciever in Beasley too. Once again, we only realized it after Ogletree got injured - not after he screwed up I don't know how many plays.


Draft Pick
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The fact that we keep coming back from these huge deficits speaks to the level of our talent.

The fact that we keep having to speaks to the level of our coaching.


Pro Bowler
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I think we have plenty of talent minus the O line.

We're just poorly coached.


Pro Bowler
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Exactly. I've seen too many coaches do more with far less. That is why you cannot justify keeping Garrett.

If you watched Jerry's interview after the Thanksgiving game you could clearly see he was pissed. There's no way Garrett stays after this year IMO.

I'd love to have Payton here, but Holmgren would be a good coach too. The only thing is in about 4 years we'd be looking for someone else, but that's about our window with this current group anyway.


Pro Bowler
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If you watched Jerry's interview after the Thanksgiving game you could clearly see he was pissed. There's no way Garrett stays after this year IMO.

You know what my fear is? We go on a run and finish 8-8, and Garrett keeps his job. And as aresult we end up with a lousy draft position.

People can say what they want, but JKerry gave Garrett the keys to the kingdom.

I'd love to have Payton here, but Holmgren would be a good coach too. The only thing is in about 4 years we'd be looking for someone else, but that's about our window with this current group anyway.

I'd rather have 4 years with Holmgren and look for a new coach later opn, than to have one more year of Garrett.


Pro Bowler
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We need to start playing for next season. I'd like to see us bench the players who won't be with us next year. It doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to anyone else either if we win another game. Our season is over anyway. What's the point?
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