
Practice Squad
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I admire your negativity and would like to get to know you better--perhaps over drinks.

Sure. I am going to the Mavs game Thurs at 9:30, could meet before then. Most other nights I am busy with family and friends.


Practice Squad
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Yeah, bbgun is a big Jerry defender. Makes me sick.

Jerry's a good business man. Did it with oil and in football. But butween him and his son, they are not good talent evaluators. They need to hire someone to help them in this area.


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Fans demand success of their teams. It doesn't seem many on this board hold ownership accountable. This used to be a premier franchise, but now it's a mediocre one. The fact that you and others support this shows how far the Cowboys have fallen.

Hoping they get better, but not counting on it given current ownership.

Just an FYI, all norm does is read the our lads guide. He takes there analysis and applies it to every team.

And plain and simple Donovan is a moron.

No idea how the draft turns out in time, but saying Crawford is Carter is as silly as using Donovan as a point of reference.


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Sure. I am going to the Mavs game Thurs at 9:30, could meet before then. Most other nights I am busy with family and friends.

Won't work. I live in DC. Maybe we can Skype sometime. However I must insist that you wear pants.


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So, like, cool draft?

I'm excited by the prospect of Claiborne. He's one of the most talented defensive players in the draft. A surprising and, dare I say, inspired pick. The only problem is that the rest of the draft, in its entirety, was completely uninspiring. Does that mean none of the guys will make the team? Nope, but I look at what Jerry and Co. pulled in during the draft and can't help but scratch my head.

I don't like to throw around "homer" but you'd have to be a total homer to think we had a great draft. I know that when we picked in the 4th round there was another prospect from WFU that was labelled Best Available by ESPN. I actually thought, "Please don't draft some stiff from Wake. Players from WFU rarely amount to anything good in the NFL." Then we went and drafted the not BPA from Wake. Head scratcher.

As to the rest of the draft, I can understand (not agree with, mind you) that our esteemed GM figured he had already dealt with the OL in FA and no reason to address it in the draft, but I can't be the only person to look at the roster and think that the DL needs help.

Picking Claiborne without addressing the DL is like buying a Porche but hoping that it works just as well with a Dodge Aries K engine.

I just don't get it. Furthermore, they're not even trying with the UDFA's. AS far as I know they've only brought in one guy for the DL, but still are looking at 3 other CBs? WTF?
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Cowboys must really believe this kid is worth creating a cluster fuck out of their draft plans. Think it about, would you trade your 2nd rounder to move up and get Demarcus Ware? No doubt. If he becomes the next Sanders/Revis, nobody will question the move.


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Jerry's a good business man. Did it with oil and in football. But butween him and his son, they are not good talent evaluators. They need to hire someone to help them in this area.

I dont think either is a particularly good talent evaluator either. Thats why I dont think Jerry has much say in who is on the team or not, because there's too many good players here. If the team was as devoid of talent as you and a couple others believe, we'd be drafting in the top-5 every year and never make the playoffs.

I dont think he has zero say, but I think others say carries far more weight.
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Fans demand success of their teams. It doesn't seem many on this board hold ownership accountable. This used to be a premier franchise, but now it's a mediocre one. The fact that you and others support this shows how far the Cowboys have fallen.

Hoping they get better, but not counting on it given current ownership.
I understand your sentiment in this thread, and I tend to agree in spots. But this is where you lost me.

How are we supposed to hold ownership accountable? There is absolutely zilch we can do about it. I don't see the need in getting constipated over the draft or the moves this team makes. It seems that only the lack of success for long periods of time speaks to Jerry. I don't root for that.


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I understand your sentiment in this thread, and I tend to agree in spots. But this is where you lost me.

How are we supposed to hold ownership accountable? There is absolutely zilch we can do about it. I don't see the need in getting constipated over the draft or the moves this team makes. It seems that only the lack of success for long periods of time speaks to Jerry. I don't root for that.

probbaly that same old tired out of town mindset of ...Stop buying tickets and dont go to games.

none of those people ever even realize how the ticket process works and think you can start and stop buying and paying for them when you feel like it.

Nothing is ever going to change the jones family, nothing. We just have to hop they win in spite of it.
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I dont think either is a particularly good talent evaluator either. Thats why I dont think Jerry has much say in who is on the team or not, because there's too many good players here. If the team was as devoid of talent as you and a couple others believe, we'd be drafting in the top-5 every year and never make the playoffs.

I dont think he has zero say, but I think others say carries far more weight.

Jerry has 100% of the final say ... but sure, he listens and often defers to others.


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I dont think either is a particularly good talent evaluator either. Thats why I dont think Jerry has much say in who is on the team or not, because there's too many good players here. If the team was as devoid of talent as you and a couple others believe, we'd be drafting in the top-5 every year and never make the playoffs.

I dont think he has zero say, but I think others say carries far more weight.

wanna bet? He still plays a huge role. I keep telling myself he is just a marketing guy now and says what they tell him to....but I just dont know if that is true......


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and besides I think stephen's son was making all the pics anyway.
Seems to be well respected in the war room......

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Who is that young kid (third from the left). He's the one that's always sitting near Jerry during games.

Wouldn't be suprised if he ended up in a front office position once he finished puberty.

Also, Jerry looks really old. Good thing.


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Who is that young kid (third from the left). He's the one that's always sitting near Jerry during games.

Wouldn't be suprised if he ended up in a front office position once he finished puberty.

Also, Jerry looks really old. Good thing.

thats stephens son.......


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I had no idea it was even remotly possible to get this guy. Anyone with an issue with this pick needs to go fuck themselves. A no brainer.


Pretty much agree...we got one fo the top players in the draft...nothing wrong with adding great players

wasnt like we pulled a Ditka or something either...we still have 6 picks

wrong +1

I just watched his highlight films, and I came away... underwhelmed. I don't see the hype that is being heaped and that is worth what we gave up. Just being honest. I want to be impressed because he's on the Cowboys now, but I just don't see it.

good for you

Only 6 elite players in this draft.

Claiborne was one of them.



I'm a little disappointed.

... is Claiborne really so much better than Jenkins that the upgrade is worth two other high quality rookies?

(Certainly doesn't say much about Jenkins and the Cowboys' decision to draft him.)

Right you are.

I wonder what happens when Demarcus Ware has an extra second to get to the QB?

Still waiting for that extra second, Punk.

A point I've made repeatedly tonight. CB was not a pressing concern. If Jenkins were a total dog, I'd see the wisdom.

insightful as usual

PS just want to say I couldnt be more stoked about this. I wanted Kirkpatrick at 14 didn't think we had a chance for Claiborne holy shit this defense is going to kill.


Dont like it btw


So we get the consensus top 5 pick in the draft, and only give up a 2nd. How can people not love that?

um, because he sucks?

some dudes are money no matter what. We just drafted Champ 2.0



Remember when Cleveland traded up one spot to take KW2 and it cost them an additional 1st round pick?

We moved up 8 and lost a mid-2nd.

Jerry the maverick!


Claiborne is supposedly a notch below Peterson who kinda sucked playing CB last year.

I think we won the first round, dudes.

Also, I think tony Romo should wear to Kevlar vests.

Oh Sheik, not you too.

Peterson has nothing on Claiborne btw. Peterson is an athlete who got his ass kicked against real comp in college. Claiborne MAKES PLAYS MOTHAFUCKAS

He does? When?

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