Draft Pick
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Dont know that the pothead even cares about playing football. No word that he has even applied to come back or wants to come back. Just another Jerry gamble that was a wasted draft pick.

Since Gregory got into Rynie's stash football hasnt been a priority. :rofl2

Rynie has a stash and hasn’t shared? Puff, puff pass MF.
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Man, you guys are a bunch of miserable SOBs. Were you beaten as a child? Yeah, there's been a lot of shit that we have had to put up with and endure, but fandom is supposed to be fun, be a pleasant distraction from our every day boring lives. Why even follow this team if you can't hope or see a light at the end of the tunnel? You guys sound like my first wife. She was a negative Nancy. I moved on and surrounded myself with positive people. As I will now. Good night, good sports

Eat shit, and die.

Or better yet, eat shit, and live.

It bothered you so much that some people don't live according to your script that you took the trouble to sign up just to act holier than thou. What an asshole.


High Plains Drifter
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Jerry Jones is excellent at making millions for Jerry Jones. And dumbass suckers like you are why.


Quality Starter
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Man, you guys are a bunch of miserable SOBs. Were you beaten as a child?
No, battered into submission as fans the last two decades. Unless you're into buying the jersey of the of the Cowboys number one pick in April, there is no positive spin. Prepare for another season of woulda, coulda, shoulda, and whole lot of who coulda seen that coming. The answer would be us.


Draft Pick
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Man, you guys are a bunch of miserable SOBs. Were you beaten as a child? Yeah, there's been a lot of shit that we have had to put up with and endure, but fandom is supposed to be fun, be a pleasant distraction from our every day boring lives. Why even follow this team if you can't hope or see a light at the end of the tunnel? You guys sound like my first wife. She was a negative Nancy. I moved on and surrounded myself with positive people. As I will now. Good night, good sports


Like Dooms said, it’s not negative when it’s true. When it’s true it’s called being realistic. We’ve had almost 10 years for Red to install his “system” and get his “right kind of guys” and we’re right where we were 20+ years ago after the Cowboys won their last title. Meanwhile Chip Kelly burns the Eagles to the ground, they bring in a new coach and within 2 years they’re hoisting the Lombardi trophy. But you mention that to Jerry and he’s talking about how he thinks Red can win another COY in 2 years.

So when you come in here (welcome by the way) spewing all this “y’all should be more positive” talk you can’t be too shocked at all the realism you’re going to hear back. If you’re looking for someone to blow smoke up your ass I would suggest looking for another site. If you want real talk though, this is definitely the place to be. Hope you stick around.


High Plains Drifter
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No, battered into submission as fans the last two decades. Unless you're into buying the jersey of the of the Cowboys number one pick in April, there is no positive spin. Prepare for another season of woulda, coulda, shoulda, and whole lot of who coulda seen that coming. The answer would be us.

Some people have the ability to learn from repetition. Others have "faith" and can't learn.


Super Moderator
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Man, you guys are a bunch of miserable SOBs. Were you beaten as a child? Yeah, there's been a lot of shit that we have had to put up with and endure, but fandom is supposed to be fun, be a pleasant distraction from our every day boring lives. Why even follow this team if you can't hope or see a light at the end of the tunnel? You guys sound like my first wife. She was a negative Nancy. I moved on and surrounded myself with positive people. As I will now. Good night, good sports

I didn't think you were who you said you were (long time fan) from the moment you posted. This isn't a safe zone for idiots who post stupid shit and then get all super fan when someone respectfully responds to their posts. You have no idea about this team. You're an uninformed fan who just buys the memo of the day and then just keeps repeating the same sorry excuses.

"We're drafting better" and "we're building a team" went out the window a while ago. Keep up.

Oh, and if your first wife was Miss Negativity, maybe it was you that was to blame. Women don't like losers and excuse makers. They like real men who aren't so sensitive and can think for themselves. The neighbor will do what the husband can't.


High Plains Drifter
Reaction score
I am almost hoping for a slow start next year
One thing about the guys here, we root for the players on game day. Hard. We want them to win, to succeed. We want them to defy their horrid FO and coaching, every game week.

But we have no "faith" that they will. Do you see the difference?
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I used to be a homer back in the 90's. I was young then. 23 years of nothing will do this to you. I don't want to hear we're building something or give Garrett another 2 years and he'll make us winners. I want to win now and I'm tired of excuses. The only thing that changes each year is my age. The Cowboys always stay the same.


High Plains Drifter
Reaction score
Oh, and if your first wife was Miss Negativity, maybe it was you that was to blame. Women don't like losers and excuse makers. They like real men who aren't so sensitive and can think for themselves. The neighbor will do what the husband can't.



Draft Pick
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I didn't think you were who you said you were (long time fan) from the moment you posted. This isn't a safe zone for idiots who post stupid shit and then get all super fan when someone respectfully responds to their posts. You have no idea about this team. You're an uninformed fan who just buys the memo of the day and then just keeps repeating the same sorry excuses.

"We're drafting better" and "we're building a team" went out the window a while ago. Keep up.

Oh, and if your first wife was Miss Negativity, maybe it was you that was to blame. Women don't like losers and excuse makers. They like real men who aren't so sensitive and can think for themselves. The neighbor will do what the husband can't.

Women typically hate their man to be a pussy too. Just saying.


Reaction score
Oh, and if your first wife was Miss Negativity, maybe it was you that was to blame. Women don't like losers and excuse makers. They like real men who aren't so sensitive and can think for themselves. The neighbor will do what the husband can't.



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I will say this place has the market cornered on making a new poster feel welcome!


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Sorry guys. I get a lot of negativity about my team in south jersey from the iggles fans and was hoping for something else on this site. I know you guys are talking reality. I just try to stay positive. Didn't mean to offend anyone


Reaction score
Sorry guys. I get a lot of negativity about my team in south jersey from the iggles fans and was hoping for something else on this site. I know you guys are talking reality. I just try to stay positive. Didn't mean to offend anyone

Its not that anyone here desires to be negative. But in all seriousness, how positive can a true fan be with a clown like Garrett clapping all game long on the sidelines looking clueless?


High Plains Drifter
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Sorry guys. I get a lot of negativity about my team in south jersey from the iggles fans and was hoping for something else on this site. I know you guys are talking reality. I just try to stay positive. Didn't mean to offend anyone

Wait, man. Obviously you read around here a little before you registered, therefore you knew going in we're a bunch of pitchfork and torch wielding dudes. You even said we were "negative" in your first post. So how then could you possibly be hoping for something else?

We love the team. We hate its owner and what he's done to it. We root for the players regardless. But we're objective when it comes to hopes and desires for it.

This is what 22 years of mediocrity and outright football malpractice does.

Nobody's offended, this is thick skin alley populated with dudes who have some hard bark on them.


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I get it. I am sorry for the name calling...Like I said, I boycotted the team for a year. But I got drawn right back in. All I can hope is that we catch lightening in a bottle and win a Lombardi....I am holding out for that
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