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Poor little homers over there cant take the critical talk. Got benched for calling someone a homer and then benched again for calling someone lazy. LOL

Bunch of ninnies over there that cant stand to hear the truth. Garrett is probably the worst coach in Cowboys history.

BTW, welcome to the forums. I am a big fan of your keeping it real over there.


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Some Yo Yo at the Zone started a thread titled "Garrett Establishing Himself"

Any voice against Jason Garrett, they are out of the team. Looks like the training wheels have come off. Garrett is becoming the Bellichick of NFCE.

When there was a chance, we went with Dak though Romo was ready. Same with hardy, how dare you knock off the clipboard off of a coach's hands.

Now with Dez pointing out the scheme because his numbers were low, he is out. Any voice against coaches or scheme, they will be out of Dallas.


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Some Yo Yo at the Zone started a thread titled "Garrett Establishing Himself"

Any voice against Jason Garrett, they are out of the team. Looks like the training wheels have come off. Garrett is becoming the Bellichick of NFCE.

When there was a chance, we went with Dak though Romo was ready. Same with hardy, how dare you knock off the clipboard off of a coach's hands.

Now with Dez pointing out the scheme because his numbers were low, he is out. Any voice against coaches or scheme, they will be out of Dallas.

Peoples stupidity never ceases to amaze. There are probably people that think Dez is capable of being a rocket scientist too. We literally have some of the stupidest fans on the planet.
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Peoples stupidity never ceases to amaze. There are probably people that think Dez is capable of being a rocket scientist too. We literally have some of the stupidest fans on the planet.

No matter how many fools we have as fans it would be hard to compete with redskin fans for the stupidest. They have the market cornered.


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No matter how many fools we have as fans it would be hard to compete with redskin fans for the stupidest. They have the market cornered.

Do you ever REALLY read topics and posts at the Zone? If not go check it out and get back to me. I will agree their owner is just as useless though. That photo of Jerry and Little Dan on shoeless on Magic Johnson boat a couple years ago in Italy still creeps me out.


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No matter how many fools we have as fans it would be hard to compete with redskin fans for the stupidest. They have the market cornered.

I don't know Red. That's a tough one. I still feel our fans are dumber.


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Do you ever REALLY read topics and posts at the Zone? If not go check it out and get back to me. I will agree their owner is just as useless though. That photo of Jerry and Little Dan on shoeless on Magic Johnson boat a couple years ago in Italy still creeps me out.

I lived around Skins fans for 30 years. As a collective group we as Cowboys fans have a long way to go to get down to their level.
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I was told by idgit I was locked out of posting in the thread for linking another forum. Guess that is a no no according to rule 28

He's full of shit. It was for linking to this forum specifically. I see links to other boards on there from time to time, such as Fish's ghost town, and nary a problem exists. This thread hurts their feelings too much.


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I lived around Skins fans for 30 years. As a collective group we as Cowboys fans have a long way to go to get down to their level.

They're arrogant and just plain assholes. That's for sure. But that's a by product of living in the Beltway. But when it comes to football, one can argue about which fan base is dumber.
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