
High Plains Drifter
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because he was a shitty player with a history of team related fuckups. He was not dedicated to the game or the team.
Then why was he still on the roster? Oh yeah, because of what I said. Jerruh and Ginger hold on to spotty, marginal players.

The very fact that he was still on the roster proves my point completely. That minus the false police report, he would still be there today and would be there until final cut day.


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Yep. No one is saying he was a good player. In fact a lot of us were calling him a nobody when the team braintrust was trying to pump him up.

But like the one reporter at that embarrassing PC asked, if he was so bad why was he even on the team to start with?


High Plains Drifter
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Yep. No one is saying he was a good player. In fact a lot of us were calling him a nobody when the team braintrust was trying to pump him up.

But like the one reporter at that embarrassing PC asked, if he was so bad why was he even on the team to start with?
And all I'm doing is taking it the next logical step further, and asserting my belief that Whitehead would STILL be on this roster minus the false police report, and WOULD have made the final 53 man roster with a couple of key injuries to other players.

I don't think that's a unreasonable conclusion at all, certainly not something anyone would argue with unless they were just a Ginger lover.

I'll take it even one more step: Had they merely waited two more days, after the truth of the falsehood came out? Yes, Whitehead would still be a Dallas Cowboy today.


In the Rotation
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Some guy from the Dolphins was just accused of DV in the past couple weeks. I bet we don't here one iota of an investigation there.

Because Jarvis Landry's case was debunked by his girlfriend. That is why there is no investigation into that.


In the Rotation
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He was going to get cut anyway, because he was a lousy player with a history of fuckups. He wasn't just cut because of the false crime report.

Even you should be smart enough to know that.


He got cut because Garrett and the Jones' are morons.


In the Rotation
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“You are a black male athlete. I’m a white girl. They are not going to be believe you.”

Which is exactly what happened. Goodell and his minions totally fell for a plot to ruin Zeke's career. How dumb/desperate are they?


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Because Jarvis Landry's case was debunked by his girlfriend. That is why there is no investigation into that.

I don't know all the details, what exactly are the saying happened?

If the girl debunked it after the fact, why was there suspicion of DV in the first place?


High Plains Drifter
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Cutting a no talent flub like Whitehead doesn't make them morons.
And that's not what he is asserting. He is asserting they are morons for kneejerk cutting him without first at the very least determining the veracity of the police report.

And they are.

You are missing the point - they cannot possibly have the moral high ground to be saying "innocent until proven guilty" with Zeke, when they did not exercise that with Whitehead. Period.


In the Rotation
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And that's not what he is asserting. He is asserting they are morons for kneejerk cutting him without first at the very least determining the veracity of the police report.

And they are.

You are missing the point - they cannot possibly have the moral high ground to be saying "innocent until proven guilty" with Zeke, when they did not exercise that with Whitehead. Period.

Exactly. Just because Whitehead wasn't among the best players of the Cowboys does not mean that he didn't totally get ripped off. According to Lucky, Garrett called him a liar to his face and then was proven wrong days later. Instead of apologizing and resigning him he goes to the Jets, where he will most likely make the roster.


In the Rotation
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I don't know all the details, what exactly are the saying happened?

If the girl debunked it after the fact, why was there suspicion of DV in the first place?

From what I recall it was because some Instagram account said so.


High Plains Drifter
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Instead of apologizing and resigning him he goes to the Jets, where he will most likely make the roster.
If Red did that, I would be really angry about it. You can't put toothpaste back in the tube.

What I believe we should have seen is Garrett admitting he acted on false information - instead of the mealy-mouthed shit he said, that some are now parroting.


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who is the source for these quotes?

If zeke, was anyone else in the room when they were said?


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And that's not what he is asserting. He is asserting they are morons for kneejerk cutting him without first at the very least determining the veracity of the police report.

And they are.

You are missing the point - they cannot possibly have the moral high ground to be saying "innocent until proven guilty" with Zeke, when they did not exercise that with Whitehead. Period.

They didn't care because he was a lousy player AND a ******. That's why he got cut, they decided he wasn't worth the trouble.

if the same situation popped up with good players or guys that did all the things they were supposed to do on the practice field and in meetings, he wouldn't have been released.


High Plains Drifter
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if the same situation popped up with good players or guys that did all the things they were supposed to do on the practice field and in meetings, he wouldn't have been released.
This isn't debatable and I haven't debated it. On most any other player they would have waited at least a day or two for all the facts to come in before taking any action. That's beside the point.

They allowed a false police report to be their "last straw," took action without all the facts, and in doing so have lost all moral high ground around "innocent until proven guilty."


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. Instead of apologizing and resigning him he goes to the Jets, where he will most likely make the roster.

have you read anything about how he has looked so far for them? He did basically nothing positive in the game the other night, after a week or two of being a fuckup in practice there and misjudging and muffing punts left and right. One day he muffed three according to reports.


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This isn't debatable and I haven't debated it. On most any other player they would have waited at least a day or two for all the facts to come in before taking any action. That's beside the point.

They allowed a false police report to be their "last straw," took action without all the facts, and in doing so have lost all moral high ground around "innocent until proven guilty."

But that IS the point. They decided he was a class A ****** and not worth the trouble. If he were worth the trouble they'd have given him the benefit of the doubt and let the story unfold completely.

Instead they decided he was a fuckup ****** that wasn't worth the trouble and wasn't going to make the team, so they got rid of the guy.


High Plains Drifter
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have you read anything about how he has looked so far for them? He did basically nothing positive in the game the other night, after a week or two of being a fuckup in practice there and misjudging and muffing punts left and right. One day he muffed three according to reports.
And therefore he probably makes, that roster. It's the New York Jest.


High Plains Drifter
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The bolded IS the point.
That's NOT the point. You're trying to MAKE it the point because you can't intelligently argue any other way. They allowed a false police report to be their "last straw," took action without all the facts, and in doing so have lost all moral high ground around "innocent until proven guilty." They cut him due to inaccurate accusation. He would still be here without that inaccurate accusation, ORRRRRRR if they had waited a day or two to let the truth come out.


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That's NOT the point. You're trying to MAKE it the point because you can't intelligently argue any other way. They allowed a false police report to be their "last straw," took action without all the facts, and in doing so have lost all moral high ground around "innocent until proven guilty." They cut him due to inaccurate accusation. He would still be here without that inaccurate accusation, ORRRRRRR if they had waited a day or two to let the truth come out.

They cut him because he was a fuckup, if he had been a good player or done everything he was supposed to be doing, they wouldn't have cut him.

They didn't wait a day or two because they didn't see the need. He wasn't worth the trouble with that on top of all the other reported issues he had.

That IS a legit point of this.
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