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It's probably not but a little further down the road, but for now the NFL wants to share bathrooms....

Now that the entire NFL is safely out of Texas, the league has flexed a bit of muscle in hopes of influencing a proposed “bathroom bill” like North Carolina’s HB2 — which cost Charlotte the NBA’s 2017 All-Star Game.

According to Ileana Najarro of the Houston Chronicle, the NFL put out a statement which makes a thinly veiled threat to prevent future events like the Super Bowl that just left their state.

“The NFL embraces inclusiveness,” league spokesman Brian McCarthy said. “We want all fans to feel welcomed at our events, and NFL policies prohibit discrimination based on age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other improper standard.”

Stinky Linky

In Response:

The governor of Texas and a group of pastors have advised the NFL to stay out of the affairs of Texas in response to a boycott threat.

A coalition of pastors known as the Texas Pastor Council that spearheaded the defeat of Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance, known also as the "Bathroom Bill," is now taking aim at the National Football League after the organization threatened to make Texas pay if the state passes a proposed transgender bathroom law introduced last month.

In a statement to the Houston Chronicle, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said the proposed legislation is inconsistent with the values of the NFL and the league would respond with penalties against the state if it becomes law.

"If a proposal that is discriminatory or inconsistent with our values were to become law (in Texas), that would certainly be a factor considered when thinking about awarding future events," McCarthy said.

"We demand to know what role the NFL has in dictating the values of Texas, interfering with something outside of regulating their own sport and placing our women and children in harms way to give preference to one tenth of one percent who are confused about their gender," they said.

"If the NFL's values include requiring that men can use women's restrooms, we have a special message for the Commissioner and Mr. McCarthy; Pastors of every color and every corner of this state are declaring that we choose mothers over money, daughters over dollars and privacy over predators."

The diverse coalition of pastors added: "Texans love football, but we love our God, our freedom and our families more. If we are forced to choose, then we will say to the NFL and other sports organizations or lobby groups; 'Don't let the ticket gate hit you on the way out of Texas.'"


Fuck the NFL and their 'values'.
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JFC when will this whole "battle for transgender rights" thing go away? It is the most ridiculous thing I think I've ever seen or heard of getting such attention.


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Stupidity is on the rise. We see it on the news every evening.

I like those pastors.


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Abbott has pretty much come out and told the NFL to go fuck themselves.

I hope others get the sack up enough to do the same. Them and the NBA:

National Basketball Association Commissioner Adam Silver doubled down on the league’s activist support of transgender rights last week saying that the NBA will continue to look for ways to punish states that adopt a transgender bathroom bill.


Punish states? I'm very glad to witness this kind of fucking over-reaching arrogance. I hate BBall anyway, but I used to love football. They can - and will - all go to hell for all I care. Maybe too much entertainment is a bad thing.


High Plains Drifter
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Science Deniers! Chromosomes are REAL, it's settled science!


Quality Starter
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Punish states? I'm very glad to witness this kind of fucking over-reaching arrogance.
Yeah, it's questionable enough to say we're uncomfortable with certain laws of theirs. But to outright say you're going to punish people? That's ridiculous.
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