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  1. dbair1967

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    L O L wut?
  2. dbair1967

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    So now its come to light that Biden and the FBI authorized the use of "deadly force" against Trump and his family at the bogus Mar A Lago raid. And of course it was Biden and Dems that also hired 10's of thousands of IRS goons and also paid to arm them. I guess reviewing tax documents and...
  3. dbair1967

    World War III ?

    Zelensky, filthy rich for an eternity because of this slobbering corrupted piece of shit Biden, who has to do whatever Zelensky says otherwise tons more dirt will come out on him
  4. dbair1967

    The Disease of Leftism

  5. dbair1967

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

  6. dbair1967

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    L O L Libtards heads exploding in 3....2....1.....
  7. dbair1967

    Crisis at the Border

    We all know exactly why. And probably 80-90% of these "protestors" are paid fucking losers by Soros and Dems
  8. dbair1967

    World War III ?

    I really hope Satan turned the heat on extra crispy for these terrorist pieces of shit. Karma's a bitch aint it Iran?
  9. dbair1967

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    Why? Because it was part of a fucked up ploy to help ensure Biden wins again, only it backfired. Watching this garbage is more like some lousy Hollywood sitcom script or something, which makes sense because the Dems probably consulted with Hollywood for this just like they did the bogus J6 crap.
  10. dbair1967

    The Disease of Leftism

    Thats racist!
  11. dbair1967

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    There isnt any. The Demtards (and especially Biden and Garland) fucked up bad. They all know it now.
  12. dbair1967

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    There's no question it will end up in the SCOTUS hands at some point. I honestly think now Trump and his people have seen how all this shit worked into his favor and actually WANT it to continue. His poll numbers go up every day, seemingly hand in hand with the comedy or errors, lies and...
  13. dbair1967

    Like Fun, Only Different...

    Biden voter
  14. dbair1967

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    Guy should be fucking shot as a traitor to the Constitution and County, along with the rest of his corrupt gang.
  15. dbair1967

    The Disease of Leftism

    Fuck modern society.
  16. dbair1967

    The Disease of Leftism

  17. dbair1967

    The Disease of Leftism

  18. dbair1967

    The Disease of Leftism

    I thought it couldn't possibly get worse than licking toilets. But I was wrong.
  19. dbair1967

    The Disease of Leftism

    No doubt, leftism is truly a mental condition in itself.
  20. dbair1967

    The never-ending POTUS Election thread....

    Yep, 100%
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