Recent content by shellym0922

  1. shellym0922

    Where are you bitches?

    I am asking myself the saaaaame thing. and they thought I was weird.
  2. shellym0922

    Who you got? Week 4

    I bet on Nawlins too! Bleck.
  3. shellym0922

    Who you got? Week 4

    last i heard cowboys were up by a landslide. missed the end of the game. who won?
  4. shellym0922

    Who you got? Week 4

    I got Nawlins on this one. eek.
  5. shellym0922

    AS PROMISED. Being the cheerleader. :)

    trolling the trolls. Ahhhhh. Life is good.
  6. shellym0922

    AS PROMISED. Being the cheerleader. :)

  7. shellym0922

    Who you got? Week 3

  8. shellym0922

    Who you got? Week 3

    whaaaaat lol
  9. shellym0922

    AS PROMISED. Being the cheerleader. :)

    didnt watch it but i heard they won?
  10. shellym0922

    Skins D.Hall tears his Achilles

    I like your dog. . . . .in your picture.
  11. shellym0922

    Who you got? Week 3

    When t=do the points change over so I can see my total ? Thank You.
  12. shellym0922


    so your zipper got stuck in your pants and you had to use the vaseline?
  13. shellym0922


  14. shellym0922

    AS PROMISED. Being the cheerleader. :)

    Go Cownerds! Broncos Won Too!!! :nannerdance
  15. shellym0922


    I thought the game wasnt til tomorrow....
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